Publication Archive

Global Risk
Bethe, Oppenheimer and Teller: Their Accomplishments

In 1959, physicists Hans Bethe, J. Robert Oppenheimer and Edward Teller were candidates to receive the Enrico Fermi Award for contributions to the development of atomic energy. In a newly discovered letter written in June 1959, Los Alamos physicist Norris Bradbury provided his evaluation of the achievements of each of the three eminent scientists. His […]

05.26.17 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
B-52 Bomber No Longer Delivers Nuclear Gravity Bombs

By Hans M. Kristensen The venerable B-52H Stratofortress long-range bomber is no longer listed by the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) with a capability to deliver nuclear gravity bombs. US Strategic Command (STRATCOM) apparently has not been assigning nuclear gravity bombs to B-52 bombers since at least 2010. Today, only the 20 B-2 stealth-bombers are […]

05.25.17 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Garwin on Strategic Security Challenges to the US

There are at least four major “strategic security challenges” that could place the United States at risk within the next decade, physicist Richard L. Garwin told the National Academy of Sciences earlier this month. “The greatest threat, based on expected value of damage, is cyberattack,” he said. Other challenges arise from the actions of North […]

05.15.17 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
New START 2017: Russia Decreasing, US Increasing Deployed Warheads

By Hans M. Kristensen The latest set of New START aggregate data released by the US State Department shows that Russia is decreasing its number of deployed strategic warheads while the United States is increasing the number of warheads it deploys on its strategic forces. The Russian reduction, which was counted as of March 1, […]

04.03.17 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
JASON on Subcritical Nuclear Tests

Subcritical nuclear tests remain useful for maintaining the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile in the absence of nuclear explosive testing, the JASON defense advisory panel affirmed in a letter report last year. But “a gap exists in the current US capability to carry out and diagnose such experiments,” the panel said. Subcritical experiments simulate aspects of […]

03.06.17 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Warhead “Super-Fuze” Increases Targeting Capability Of US SSBN Force

By Hans M. Kristensen Under the cover of an otherwise legitimate life-extension of the W76 warhead, the Navy has quietly added a new super-fuze to the warhead that dramatically increases the ability of the Navy to destroy hard targets in Russia and other adversaries. In a new article in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Matthew […]

03.02.17 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Talk At The Nuclear Deterrence Summit

By Hans M. Kristensen Today I spoke at the Nuclear Deterrence Summit about the role and challenges of US-Russian nuclear arms control efforts. My panel partner was Mark Schneider from NIPP and we were under the competent chairmanship of Vice Admiral Van Mauney (US Navu, Ret.), the former deputy commander of US Strategic Command. My […]

03.01.17 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
In Reuters Interview President Trump Flunks Nuclear 101

President Donald Trump in an interview with Reuters today demonstrated an astounding lack of knowledge about basic nuclear weapons issues. According to Reuters Trump said he wanted to build up the US nuclear arsenal to ensure it is at the “top of the pack.” He said the United States has “fallen behind on nuclear weapons capacity.” […]

02.23.17 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
In Reuters Interview President Trump Flunks Nuclear 101

President Donald Trump in an interview with Reuters today demonstrated an astounding lack of knowledge about basic nuclear weapons issues. According to Reuters Trump said he wanted to build up the US nuclear arsenal to ensure it is at the “top of the pack.” He said the United States has “fallen behind on nuclear weapons capacity.” […]

02.23.17 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Obama Administration Announces Unilateral Nuclear Weapon Cuts

By Hans M. Kristensen The Obama administration has unilaterally cut the number of nuclear weapons in the Pentagon’s nuclear weapons stockpile to 4,018 warheads, a reduction of 553 warheads since September 2015. The reduction was disclosed by Vice President Joe Biden during a speech at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace earlier today. This means that […]

01.12.17 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Pakistan’s Evolving Nuclear Weapons Infrastructure

In our latest Nuclear Notebook on Pakistani nuclear forces, Robert Norris and I estimate that Pakistan has produced an estimated stockpile of 130-140 nuclear warheads for delivery by short- and medium-range ballistic missiles, cruise missiles, and fighter-bombers. Pakistan now identifies with what is described as a full-spectrum nuclear deterrent posture, which is though to include […]

11.16.16 | 11 min read
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Global Risk
Will Trump Be Another Republican Nuclear Weapons Disarmer?

By Hans M. Kristensen Republicans love nuclear weapons reductions, as long as they’re not proposed by a Democratic president. That is the lesson from decades of US nuclear weapons and arms control management. If that trend continues, then we can expect the new Donald Trump administration to reduce the US nuclear weapons arsenal more than […]

11.10.16 | 2 min read
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