US-China Scientific Cooperation “Mutually Beneficial”
The US and China have successfully carried out a wide range of cooperative science and technology projects in recent years, the State Department told Congress last year in a newly released report.
Joint programs between government agencies on topics ranging from pest control to elephant conservation to clean energy evidently worked to the benefit of both countries.
“Science and technology engagement with the United States continues to be highly valued by the Chinese government,” the report said.
At the same time, “Cooperative activities also accelerated scientific progress in the United States and provided significant direct benefit to a range of U.S. technical agencies.”
The 2016 biennial report to Congress, released last week under the Freedom of Information Act, describes programs that were ongoing in 2014-2015.
See Implementation of Agreement between the United States and China on Science and Technology, report to Congress, US Department of State, April 2016.
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