Noteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made readily available to the public include the following (all pdf).
“National Security Strategy: Legislative Mandates, Execution to Date, and Considerations for Congress,” May 28, 2008.
“Science, Technology, and American Diplomacy: Background and Issues for Congress,” May 22, 2008.
“Mexico-U.S. Relations: Issues for Congress,” updated May 23, 2008.
“German Foreign and Security Policy: Trends and Transatlantic Implications,” updated April 29, 2008.
“The Army’s Future Combat System (FCS): Background and Issues for Congress,” updated May 12, 2008.
“American War and Military Operations Casualties: Lists and Statistics,” updated May 14, 2008.
A prior version of the CRS report on military casualties has been the subject of a widely reprinted spam email message that misrepresented casualties during the Clinton and Bush Administrations. A footnote in the latest CRS update states: “Distorted versions of Tables 4 and 5 have been circulating through the Internet. As the tables here and on the Department of Defense website show, total military deaths and hostile deaths increased from 2001 to 2005, and then decreased in 2006.” See also “E-mail on military deaths is shaky on facts” by Chuck Vinch, Army Times, March 27, 2008.
To fully harness the benefits of AI, the public must have confidence that these systems are deployed responsibly and enhance their lives and livelihoods.
The first Trump Administration’s E.O. 13859 commitment laid the foundation for increasing government accountability in AI use; this should continue
The Federation of American Scientists supports H.R. 471, the re-introduction of the Fix Our Forests Act.
With so much at stake, we cannot afford to cede science and technological leadership or its underpinnings: foundational federal R&D investments, growing STEM talent pipelines, and the best scientific and technical expertise to support policymakers.