“Litigation Under the Federal Open Government Laws 2010” is the latest edition of a classic handbook for Freedom of Information Act litigants. It provides an updated summary of the relevant case law and a discussion of many of the most commonly encountered issues and obstacles a FOIA litigator may face. Any FOIA requester or attorney who is contemplating a FOIA lawsuit will want to study it closely. The new edition was edited by Harry A. Hammitt, Ginger McCall, Marc Rotenberg, John A. Verdi, and Mark S. Zaid.
“These Guys: Cold War Stories told by Cold War Warriors” is an anthology of personal reminiscences from former members of the U.S. Air Force Security Service concerning their experiences in U.S. military and intelligence service. It was edited by Trish Schiesser.
“The Dangers of Dissent” by Ivan Greenberg explores the modern history of FBI domestic surveillance, bolstered by records obtained by the author through FOIA litigation. The book “traces the evolution of FBI spying from 1965 to the present through the eyes of those under investigation.”
Without the permitting workforce needed for implementation, the American public will not reap the benefits of rural broadband access, resilient supply chains, and clean, accessible water.
Improving public awareness of FDA Advisory Committees would improve public trust and deter misinformation related to the approval of medical products.
FAS has been a leading voice for action on this topic, and has developed a compendium of 150+ heat-related federal policy recommendations.
Proposed bills advance research ecosystems, economic development, and education access and move now to the U.S. House of Representatives for a vote