An ad hoc group of several hundred federal employees and others has convened online to advocate improved “knowledge management” in the federal government.
Knowledge management refers generally to the production, preservation and exchange of knowledge in such a way as to maximize the sharing of information and to optimize its use.
“Although most federal agencies have some knowledge management activities, there is no centralized federal resource for knowledge management. There is no government-sponsored support function for knowledge management. There is no clearinghouse for data on extant activities, no library of best practices, and no consulation available,” according to the new Federal Knowledge Management Initiative.
“Over 700 Federal employees, contractors, academicians and interested members of the public have mounted a campaign to enhance collaboration, knowledge and learning in the Federal Government.”
“The objective is to establish formal knowledge management across government,” said Neil Olonoff, an Army employee contractor who started the new initiative on a volunteer basis.
The initiative is developing its developing its policy proposals along with educational and promotional materials on a public wiki site hosted by NASA.
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With so much at stake, we cannot afford to cede science and technological leadership or its underpinnings: foundational federal R&D investments, growing STEM talent pipelines, and the best scientific and technical expertise to support policymakers.