The Federal Cybersecurity Workforce, and More from CRS
New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that Congress has withheld from online public distribution include the following.
The Federal Cybersecurity Workforce: Background and Congressional Oversight Issues for the Departments of Defense and Homeland Security, January 8, 2016
The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP): In Brief, updated January 8, 2016
American Agriculture and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) Agreement, January 8, 2016
Cuba: Issues for the 114th Congress, updated January 11, 2016
Guatemala: One President Resigns; Another Elected, to Be Inaugurated January 14, CRS Insight, updated January 11, 2016
China’s Recent Stock Market Volatility: What Are the Implications?, CRS Insight, updated January 9, 2016
Navy John Lewis (TAO-205) Class Oiler Shipbuilding Program: Background and Issues for Congress, updated January 8, 2016
Navy Ship Names: Background for Congress, updated January 8, 2016 (This report explains that “John Lewis (TAO-205) class oilers, previously known as TAO(X)s, are being named for people who fought for civil rights and human rights.” An oiler is a fuel resupply vessel that is used to transfer fuel to surface ships at sea.)
Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress, updated January 8, 2016
Free Riders or Compelled Riders? Key Takeaways as Court Considers Major Union Dues Case, CRS Legal Sidebar, January 12, 2016
Unauthorized Aliens, Higher Education, In-State Tuition, and Financial Aid: Legal Analysis, updated January 11, 2016
The TRIO Programs: A Primer, updated January 11, 2016
The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2016: Effects on Budgetary Trends, CRS Insight, January 11, 2016
President Obama Announces Executive Actions to “Reduce Gun Violence”, CRS Legal Sidebar, January 8, 2016
Juvenile Justice Funding Trends, updated January 8, 2016
Community Services Block Grants (CSBG): Background and Funding, updated January 8, 2016
Dr. Lim will help develop, organize, and implement FAS’s growing contribution in the area of catastrophic risk including on core areas of nuclear weapons, AI and national security, space, and other emerging technologies.
To fully harness the benefits of AI, the public must have confidence that these systems are deployed responsibly and enhance their lives and livelihoods.
The first Trump Administration’s E.O. 13859 commitment laid the foundation for increasing government accountability in AI use; this should continue
The Federation of American Scientists supports H.R. 471, the re-introduction of the Fix Our Forests Act.