CRS on the North Korean Nuclear Test

10.31.06 | 1 min read | Text by Steven Aftergood

A new report (pdf) from the Congressional Research Service synthesizes what is known, believed and speculated about the recent North Korean nuclear explosive test, and sketches out the options for U.S. policy.

“The most fundamental U.S. goals of the confrontation with North Korea are to prevent the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and to prevent an attack — either nuclear or conventional — on the United States or on its allies in the region,” the report says.

“The options available to U.S. policymakers to pursue these goals include the acceptance of North Korea as a nuclear power, bilateral or multilateral negotiations, heightened legal and economic pressure on North Korea, adoption of a regime change policy through non-military means, military action or threats, and withdrawal from the conflict.”

A copy of the new CRS report was obtained by Secrecy News.

See “North Korea’s Nuclear Test: Motivations, Implications, and U.S. Options,” October 24, 2006.

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