Tariff Escalation: A Timeline, and More from CRS
The Trump Administration has moved aggressively to impose tariffs and other restrictions on foreign imports, “but it is unclear what specific outcomes the Administration is seeking,” according to the Congressional Research Service.
“Increasing U.S. tariffs or imposing other import restrictions through these laws potentially opens the United States to complaints that it is violating its WTO and free trade agreement (FTA) commitments,” CRS said. Meanwhile, retaliation by other countries “may be amplifying the potential negative effects of the U.S. tariff measures.”
A new CRS publication provides “a timeline of key events related to each U.S. trade action, as well as the range of potential trade volumes affected by the U.S. tariffs and U.S. trading partners’ retaliations.” See Escalating Tariffs: Timeline and Potential Impact, CRS Insight, July 31, 2018.
Other new and timely publications from the Congressional Research Service include the following.
The World Trade Organization (WTO): U.S. Participation at Risk?, CRS Insight, July 31, 2018
U.S.-China Trade Issues, CRS In Focus, August 2, 2018
Taiwan: Select Political and Security Issues, CRS In Focus, July 31, 2018
Mexico’s Immigration Control Efforts, CRS In Focus, August 1, 2018
Family Separation at the Border and the Ms. L. Litigation, CRS Legal Sidebar, July 31, 2018
Pipeline Safety: Overdue Statutory Mandates, CRS Insight, July 27, 2018
Wildfire Statistics, CRS In Focus, August 2, 2018
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Education, CRS In Focus, August 1, 2018
Iran’s Ballistic Missile and Space Launch Programs, CRS In Focus, August 1, 2018
North Korea: U.S. Relations, Nuclear Diplomacy, and Internal Situation, July 27, 2018
North Korea’s Nuclear and Ballistic Missile Programs, CRS In Focus, August 2, 2018
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