First Accelerator
The inaugural Day One Accelerator cohort spans a diverse range of science, technology and innovation interests and expertise, including both veteran policy experts and those new to the process. Each member of the group is developing a catalytic proposal for action.

As data fuels the next transformative modernization phase, the federal government has an opportunity to leverage modern practices to leap forward in scaling IT modernization.
A Climate Bank would spur $500 billion of private and public investment, create 5.4 million jobs, and reduce greenhouse-gas emissions while driving capital into frontline and environmental-justice communities.
Despite growing demand for their skillsets, scientists aren’t trained to engage the public. This proposal offers policy actions to fix that.
A proactive strategy to prevent and mitigate catastrophic wildfire under climate change.
The next administration should strengthen the U.S. STEM talent pipeline through instituting a National Youth Innovation Showcase.
A proposal to introduce machine learning to triage scientific proposals at S&T agencies to save over $300 million annually.
A three-pronged approach to transform infant nutrition through the National Advisory Council on Maternal, Infant, and Fetal Nutrition.
A proposal to coordinate and consolidate the healthcare innovation, demonstration, and implementation capacities of the VA and HHS.
A proposal to build trust in the health data ecosystem.