No First Use of Nuclear Weapons, & More from CRS
Recent reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been publicly released include the following.
U.S. Nuclear Weapons Policy: Considering “No First Use”, CRS Insight, August 16, 2016
Coordinated Party Expenditures in Federal Elections: An Overview, updated August 15, 2016
Introduction to FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), August 16, 2016
The United Arab Emirates (UAE): Issues for U.S. Policy, updated August 16, 2016
Airline Passenger Rights: The Federal Role in Aviation Consumer Protection, August 17, 2016
Legal Status of CEQ’s Final Guidance on Climate Change in Environmental Reviews under NEPA, CRS Legal Sidebar, August 17, 2016
U.S. Trade Deficit and the Impact of Changing Oil Prices, updated August 16, 2016
General Policy Statements: Legal Overview, April 14, 2016
Dude, Where’s My Jurisdiction? Congressional Efforts to Strip Federal Courts of Jurisdiction, CRS Legal Sidebar, August 17, 2016
The research community lacks strategies to incentivize collaboration on high-quality data acquisition and sharing. The government should fund collaborative roadmapping, certification, collection, and sharing of large, high-quality datasets in life science.
The potential of new nuclear power plants to meet energy demand, increase energy security, and revitalize local economies depends on new regulatory and operational approaches at the NRC.
In anticipation of future known and unknown health security threats, including new pandemics, biothreats, and climate-related health emergencies, our answers need to be much faster, cheaper, and less disruptive to other operations.
To unlock the full potential of artificial intelligence within the Department of Health and Human Services, an AI Corps should be established, embedding specialized AI experts within each of the department’s 10 agencies.