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day one project
Policy Memo
Saving 3.1 Million Lives a Year with a President’s Emergency Plan to Combat Acute Childhood Malnutrition

organize an interagency task force, and (3) coordinate PEPFAM’s strategic focus by engaging multiple federal agencies, including:  USAID’s Bureau of Resilience and Food Security State Department’s Office of Global Food…

11.18.22 | 11 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Strengthening Policy by Bringing Evidence to Life

…within the organization that has an innovation orientation and sufficient authority to effect change. The champion plays a key role in building organizational buy-in, particularly from senior leaders, key influencers…

08.22.22 | 13 min read
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Emerging Technology
AI for science: creating a virtuous circle of discovery and innovation

…an incentive structure wholly foreign to academia,” and “a fast and focused research paradigm … [which] raises the question of what other problems exist that are ripe for a fast…

08.22.22 | 9 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
CLimate Improvements through Modern Biotechnology (CLIMB) — A National Center for Bioengineering Solutions to Climate Change and Environmental Challenges

…(CLIMB) Center will fast-track our nation’s ability to meet domestic and international decarbonization goals, remediate contaminated habitats, detect toxins and pathogens, and deliver on environmental-justice goals.  The CLIMB Center would…

05.19.22 | 11 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
Deploy a National Network of Air-Pollution and CO2 Sensors in 300 American Cities by 2030

…the value of hyper-local GHG and air-quality sensor networks. Multiple universities, philanthropies, and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) have launched pilot projectsdeploying local, real-time GHG and air-pollutant sensors in cities including Los Angeles, New…

02.28.22 | 7 min read
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