Publication Archive

Pentagon Proposes New Info Access Restrictions

The Department of Defense has asked Congress to enact two expansive new provisions in the FY 2008 defense authorization act to help it restrict public access to information. One of the provisions would create a new exemption to the Freedom of Information Act for certain unclassified information related to weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The […]

04.24.07 | 2 min read
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Various Resources on Intelligence and Security

Some notable new or newly-acquired publications include these (all pdf): “Physical Security Program,” Department of Defense Regulation 5200.08-R, April 9, 2007. “National Defense Intelligence College,” Department of Defense Instruction 3305.01, December 22, 2006. “Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance: Preliminary Observations on DOD’s Approach to Managing Requirements for New Systems, Existing Assets, and Systems Development,” U.S. Government […]

04.24.07 | 1 min read
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AIPAC Trial Likely to be Postponed

The unprecedented trial of two former officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, who are charged under the Espionage Act with unlawful receipt and disclosure of national defense information, is likely to be postponed from its scheduled start date on June 4. The need to resolve disagreements between the parties over the handling of […]

04.24.07 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Fresh Perspectives on Pressing Small Arms Issues

In the latest issue of the Federation of American Scientists’ Public Interest Report, analysts from three continents provide new insights into arms trafficking in Africa, Venezuela’s small arms build-up, and the UN Small Arms Review Conference. Links to these articles, along with an issue overview by FAS analyst Matt Schroeder and a summary of the […]

04.23.07 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Complete a biosecurity education survey and enter to win an iPod nano!!!

The Federation of American Scientists Biosecurity Project has prepared a brief online survey to collect feedback on our “Case Studies in Dual-use Biological Research.” To thank participants for completing the survey, we will enter them into a drawing for an 8GB iPod nano. Click here to go to the case studies or here to go […]

04.19.07 | 1 min read
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Court Rules That AIPAC Trial Must Be Open

(Updated Below) A federal court this week rejected a government proposal to restrict public access to evidence in the forthcoming trial of two former officials of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee who are charged under the Espionage Act with unauthorized receipt and transmission of classified information. Using a procedure called the Silent Witness Rule, […]

04.19.07 | 2 min read
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Other Secrecy News

Independent press reporting of Army plans to extend soldiers’ tours of duty in Iraq by three months prompted outraged warnings (pdf) from the Army vice chief of staff about the need to improve control of Army information against unauthorized disclosure. See “General: Embarrassing = Secret” in the Danger Room blog, April 18. The government asserted […]

04.19.07 | 1 min read
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Selected CRS Reports

Some noteworthy new reports of the Congressional Research Service include the following (all pdf). “Environmental Impacts of Airport Operations, Maintenance, and Expansion,” April 5, 2007. “What’s the Difference? — Comparing U.S. and Chinese Trade Data,” April 10, 2007. “Vulnerability of Concentrated Critical Infrastructure: Background and Policy Options,” updated January 26, 2007. “Polar Bears: Proposed Listing […]

04.19.07 | 1 min read
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Special Operations Command: A Twenty Year History

As the missions and budgets for U.S. Special Operations Command steadily expand, a new official history (large pdf) looks back at the origins and development of SOCOM. “Since its creation in 1987, USSOCOM has supported conventional forces and conducted independent special operations throughout the world, participating in all major combat operations,” writes SOCOM Commander General […]

04.17.07 | 2 min read
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FY 2007 Intelligence Authorization and Budget Disclosure

In a heated debate April 16, the Senate failed to achieve cloture on the FY2007 Intelligence Authorization Act, leaving it open for further amendment today. One of the points that now seems beyond debate, however, is the need to disclose the total intelligence budget figure. “The chairman [Sen. Rockefeller] and I have agreed it makes […]

04.17.07 | 2 min read
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Various Resources

The role of air and space power in U.S. military operations was addressed in a newly updated U.S. Air Force publication. See Air Force Doctrine Document 2, “Operations and Organization” (pdf), 3 April 2007. In response to a Freedom of Information Act request from the Federation of American Scientists, the Office of the Director of […]

04.17.07 | 1 min read
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Other Secrecy News

The politicization of the Department of Justice, the erosion of professional values and the state of Freedom of Information Act policy were discussed with unusual candor by Daniel J. Metcalfe, former director of the DoJ Office of Information and Policy, in an interview with Tony Mauro of Legal Times. NASA secretly paid $26.6 million several […]

04.17.07 | 1 min read
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