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If Secrecy News is providing you with valuable information that you don’t find elsewhere, and if you have not already responded to our earlier appeals, won’t you consider supporting our work with a financial contribution? Secure online donations can be made here. Or you can mail a check payable to Federation of American Scientists, earmarked […]

12.18.07 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Congress Zeroes Out Money for the Reliable Replacement Warhead. Part Funding for Global Nuclear Energy Partnership.

The spending bill just agreed by Congress over the weekend explicitly specifies zero funding for the Reliable Replacement Warhead, or RRW, and support for the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership, but below the administration’s request. The RRW is a new nuclear weapon that the administration claims is essential to maintaining the integrity of the nuclear arsenal. […]

12.17.07 | 1 min read
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Obama: New Web Site Will Help Challenge “Nation of Secrets”

Senator Barack Obama praised the launch of a new government website yesterday that tracks federal contract awards. The new website — — constitutes “an important milestone on the path to greater openness and transparency in the Federal Government,” he said. “I have been very troubled by the extent to which America has become a […]

12.14.07 | 1 min read
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Deliberating the Intelligence Budget in France

Although last year’s budget for national intelligence was disclosed, current year spending remains classified, reflecting a judgment by the Bush Administration that its disclosure would cause serious damage to national security. So it is interesting to see that current intelligence spending is treated matter-of-factly in some other countries, and publicly disclosed without any fanfare at […]

12.14.07 | 2 min read
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U.S. Africa Command, and More from CRS

Noteworthy new reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made available to the public online include the following (all pdf). “Africa Command: U.S. Strategic Interests and the Role of the U.S. Military in Africa,” updated December 7, 2007. “China’s Currency: Economic Issues and Options for U.S. Trade Policy,” updated November 29, 2007. […]

12.14.07 | 1 min read
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Curious Omission in a Congressional Budget Office Report on Plutonium Reprocessing

On 14 November, Peter Orszag, Director of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), testified before the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee about the relative costs of plutonium reprocessing and direct disposal of used nuclear fuel. The oral testimony was quite brief and, unless otherwise noted, my comments are based primarily on the longer and presumably […]

12.13.07 | 1 min read
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Did CIA Violate the Federal Records Act?

Even if the videotapes of interrogation sessions that were destroyed by the Central Intelligence Agency showed nothing illegal or untoward, their destruction could still be a violation of the federal law which requires the preservation of official records, suggested Rep. Henry Waxman (D-CA) yesterday. Rep. Waxman asked Archivist of the United States Allen Weinstein to […]

12.12.07 | 2 min read
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White House Objects to FY2008 Intelligence Authorization Bill

Perhaps the clearest indication lately that intelligence oversight still matters is a new White House Statement of Administration Policy (pdf) expressing strong opposition to the FY2008 Intelligence Authorization bill. “If this bill were to pass the House and the Senate and be presented to the President for signature, the President’s senior advisors would recommend that […]

12.12.07 | 1 min read
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A Resolution on Internet Access to CRS Reports

A bipartisan resolution to provide online public access to Congressional Research Service reports was introduced in the Senate yesterday. “The Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate, in consultation with the Director of the Congressional Research Service, shall make available through a centralized electronic system, for purposes of access and retrieval by the public … all information described […]

12.12.07 | 2 min read
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A Reversal for CIA in JFK FOIA Lawsuit

A federal appeals court last week overturned (pdf) a lower court ruling that the CIA had won in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit involving JFK assassination records, and ordered CIA to continue processing the request. The case involves records sought by journalist Jefferson Morley that he believes will provide new insight into the assassination. […]

12.12.07 | 1 min read
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Vice President’s Office is Not an Agency, ISOO Told

The Office of the Vice President is not an “agency” for purposes of the executive order on classification and therefore its classification and declassification activity no longer need be reported to the Information Security Oversight Office, the Justice Department finally informed ISOO Director Bill Leonard in a newly disclosed letter (pdf). In a January 9, […]

12.11.07 | 2 min read
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BRAC Process Said to be Skewed by Improper Withholding

Defense Department officials improperly withheld crucial data from the Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) Commission that might have justified the continued operation of certain Department laboratories and facilities, according to a new insider account (pdf). A detailed timeline supported by a hundred pages of internal documentation leads the author to urge a reversal of the […]

12.11.07 | 1 min read
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