Publication Archive

Global Risk
FAS Contributes to SIPRI Yearbook

By Hans M. Kristensen The world’s nuclear weapon states possess an estimated 22,600 nuclear weapons, of which more than 7,500 are deployed. This and much more according to a chapter I co-authored in the latest yearbook from the Swedish International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI). Copyright prevents us from making a copy of the chapter available here, […]

06.04.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
NPT RevCon ends with a consensus Final Document

by Alicia Godsberg The NPT Review Conference ended last Friday with the adoption by consensus of a Final Document that includes both a review of commitments and a forward looking action plan for nuclear disarmament, non-proliferation and the promotion of the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.  In the early part of last week it was […]

06.02.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Britain Discloses Size of Nuclear Stockpile: Who’s Next?

Britain says it has 225 nuclear warheads for its Trident submarine fleet. . By Hans M. Kristensen The new British government today followed the French and U.S. examples by disclosing its total military stockpile of nuclear weapons. Foreign Secretary William Hague told the House of Commons that “the total number of warheads” in the “overall […]

05.27.10 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Iran Beat Us to It.

Ivan Oelrich and Ivanka Barzashka Back in October, when Iran put in a request to the IAEA for a new load of fuel for its medical isotope reactor in Tehran, the United States proposed that Iran ship out an equivalent amount of its low enriched uranium (LEU) in exchange. It turns out, purely coincidentally, that […]

05.26.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Speaking at the CSIS Global Security Forum

By Hans M. Kristensen Clark Murdock and John Warden with the Center for Strategic and International Studies invited me to speak today at their Global Security Forum. My co-panelists were General Larry Welch (USAF, ret.) and Morton Halperin. The question posed to us was whether the United States should, in a proliferated world, continue to […]

05.13.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
FAS video, Paths to Zero, released.

As Alicia already mentioned in the previous post, in conjunction with the Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference, FAS yesterday held the “big screen” premiere of its new video, Paths to Zero at the United Nations in New York.  The video will be the core of a new interactive feature on the website.  As topics are mentioned […]

05.12.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
FAS side events at the RevCon

by Alicia Godsberg Yesterday FAS premiered our documentary Paths To Zero at the NPT RevCon.  The screening was a great success and there was a very engaging conversation afterward between the audience and Ivan Oelrich, who was there to promote the film.  As a result of some suggestions, we are hoping to translate the narration […]

05.12.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Small Arms in Iraq Vulnerable to Theft and Diversion

By Matthew Buongiorno Scoville Fellow Shortly after the United States invaded Iraq and disbanded its army, the Bush Administration concluded that a key to stabilizing the country was the creation of a self-sufficient and effective Iraqi Security Force (ISF). To this end, the Iraq Relief and Reconstruction Fund (IRRF) – later succeeded by the Iraq […]

05.12.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Russian Nuclear Weapons Account Falls Short

A Russian brochure misrepresents the size of the Russian arsenal. Click image to download copy of full procure . By Hans M. Kristensen A brochure handed out by the Russian government at the ongoing nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York appears to misrepresent the size of the Russian nuclear arsenal. The brochure Practical […]

05.11.10 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Speaking at the NPT-Review Conference

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference is Underway in New York By Hans M. Kristensen I gave two talks at the review conference of the Non-Proliferation Treaty, both on non-strategic nuclear weapons. The first was an FAS/BASIC panel on May 10 on Prospects for a shift in NATO’s nuclear posture. The second was a panel organized […]

05.10.10 | 12 min read
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Global Risk
United States Discloses Size of Nuclear Weapons Stockpile

The Obama administration has declassified the history and size of the U.S. nuclear weapons stockpile, a long-held national secret. Click image to get the fact sheet. By Hans M. Kristensen The Obama administration has formally disclosed the size of the Defense Department’s stockpile of nuclear weapons: 5,113 warheads as of September 30, 2009. For a […]

05.03.10 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
2010 RevCon begins

by Alicia Godsberg Today marked the opening of the 8th Review Conference to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons at the United Nations.  The general debate began today and will continue through Thursday, with an NGO presentation to the delegates this Friday to end the week.  Today’s plenary provided a few revelations from […]

05.03.10 | 1 min read
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