Publication Archive

Global Risk
Chinese Jin-SSBNs Getting Ready?

Two of China’s new Jin-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines were photographed at Xiaopingdao in late-March 2011, possibly in preparation for missile test launches. (Click for larger picture). . By Hans M. Kristensen Two of China’s new Jin-class nuclear ballistic missile submarines have sailed to the Xiaopingdao naval base near Dalian, a naval base used to […]

06.03.11 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
New START Aggregate Numbers Released: First Round Slim Picking

You won’t be able to count SS-18s in the New START aggregate date. . By Hans M. Kristensen Russia and the United States have released the first Fact Sheet with aggregate numbers for the strategic offensive nuclear forces counted under the New START treaty. It shows that Russia has already dropped below the New START […]

06.01.11 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
Letter Urges Release of New START Data

Ambassador Brooks, Secretary Perry and Ambassador Matlock join FAS in call for continuing nuclear transparency under New START treaty .By Hans M. Kristensen, Three former U.S. officials have joined FAS in urging the United States and Russia to continue to declassify the same degree of information about their strategic nuclear forces under the New START […]

05.18.11 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Pakistan’s “Shoot and Scoot” Nukes: FAS Nukes in Newsweek

Pakistan’s military describes its new short-range nuclear NASR missile as a “shoot and scoot…quick response system.”                                                                          Image: ISPR . […]

05.18.11 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
New Article: Russian Nuclear Forces, 2011

Russia has 3,700-5,400 nonstrategic nuclear weapons, including the old dual-capable AS-4 Kitchen air-launched missile seen here under the wings of a Tu-22 Backfire bomber at an unknown airbase. All Russian nonstrategic warheads are in central storage.   Image: web . By Hans M. Kristensen The latest Nuclear Notebook in the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists with […]

05.05.11 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Defense Science Board: Air Force Nuclear Management Needs Improvements

The Defense Science Board recommends reducing the number of inspections of nuclear bomber and missile units. . By Hans M. Kristensen The Pentagon’s “independent” Defense Science Board Permanent Task Force on Nuclear Weapons Surety has completed a review of the Air Force’s efforts to improve the safety and proficiency of its nuclear bomber and missile […]

04.29.11 | 5 min read
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Global Risk
10 NATO Countries Want More Transparency for Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapons

Ten NATO countries recommend increasing transparency of non-strategic nuclear weapons, including numbers and locations at military facilities such as Incirlik Air Base in Turkey. Neither NATO nor Russia currently disclose such information. . By Hans M. Kristensen Four NATO countries supported by six others have proposed a series of steps that NATO and Russia should […]

04.24.11 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
British Submarines to Receive Upgraded US Nuclear Warhead

Sea-launched ballistic missiles on British ballistic missile submarines will be armed with the upgraded W76-1 nuclear warhead currently in production in the United States, according to a report from Sandia National Laboratories. According to the Labs Accomplishments from March 2011, “the first W76-1 United Kingdom trials test was performed at WETL [Weapon Evaluation Test Laboratory], […]

04.01.11 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Report: What NATO Countries Think About Tactical Nukes

Most NATO countries support withdrawal of U.S. nuclear weapons from Europe, only three oppose, according to interviews with NATO officials. . By Hans M. Kristensen Two researchers from the Dutch peace group IKV Pax Christi have published a unique study that for the first time provides the public with an overview of what individual NATO […]

03.30.11 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
New START Data Exchange: Will it Increase or Decrease International Nuclear Transparency?

U.S. officials say that aggregate numbers of the New START treaty will be made publicly available but that these may be very general numbers and a decision still has to be made. For a copy of the final START aggregate numbers, click here. . By Hans M. Kristensen The first data exchange of the New […]

03.22.11 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Nuclear Hiccup in South Korea: The Limits of Tactical Nukes

The F-16s (left) of the 8th Fighter Wing at Kunsan Air Base in South Korea lost their nuclear capability in 1991. The F-15Es (right) of the 4th Fighter Wing at Seymour Johnson Air Base in North Carolina no longer are certified for the nuclear strike mission. Instead, extended deterrence is served by conventional forces and […]

03.02.11 | 2 min read
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Global Risk
Talk at Georgetown U Event on Tac Nuke Treaty

By Hans M. Kristensen The Center on National Security and the Law and the Federal Legislation and Administrative Clinic co-hosted an event at Georgetown University Law Center on Tuesday, March 1st: Next Steps after New START: A Treaty on Tactical Nuclear Weapons. The event included a keynote speech by Edward Warner, the Senior Advisor to the under […]

03.01.11 | 1 min read
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