Publication Archive

Book: Change of State

Worlds seem to collide as I sat in a Chevy Chase synagogue last night waiting to hear Israeli Talmudist Adin Steinsaltz and the ACLU’s Art Spitzer discuss Martin Luther King’s Letter from Birmingham Jail.  Former Bush Administration Pentagon official Douglas Feith, of all people, sat a few rows back.  I was reading a 2006 book […]

01.19.10 | 2 min read
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Fired FBI Agent Says Termination Shows Bias

A lawsuit (pdf) filed on behalf of a Jewish-American FBI agent whose security clearance was revoked based on unspecified charges states that his termination was an improper expression of FBI bias against American Jews, and complains that the agent was unconstitutionally denied a right to confront and rebut the claims against him. The case appears […]

01.14.10 | 3 min read
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The Decline of the Israeli Left

A recent book written by two Israeli writers and published in translation (pdf) by the DNI Open Source Center (OSC) traces what the authors see as the decline of Israel’s political left. “The Left died the day the Six-Day War ended,” wrote Shmuel Hasfari and Eldad Yaniv. “Until 1967, the Left actually managed some impressive […]

01.14.10 | 2 min read
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Understanding China’s Political System, More from CRS

New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service obtained by Secrecy News include the following (all pdf). “U.S. Periods of War,” January 7, 2010. “Terrorist Watchlist Checks and Air Passenger Prescreening,” December 30, 2009. “Cluster Munitions: Background and Issues for Congress,” December 22, 2009. “Arms Sales: Congressional Review Process,” January 8, 2010. “Desalination: Status […]

01.14.10 | 1 min read
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A Military Guide to Nongovernmental Relief Organizations

In an effort to promote cooperation with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) engaged in humanitarian relief operations and to enhance its own emergency response capabilities, the Department of Defense has published a newly updated “Guide to Nongovernmental Organizations for the Military” (pdf). When a devastating earthquake struck Haiti yesterday, several disaster relief organizations such as Oxfam and […]

01.13.10 | 2 min read
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Navy Issues Guidance on Use of Marine Mammals

A new U.S. Navy Instruction (pdf) updates Navy policy on the use of marine mammals for national security missions. It seems that by law (10 USC 7524), the Secretary of Defense is authorized to “take” (or acquire) up to 25 wild marine mammals each year “for national defense purposes.”  These mammals — including whales, dolphins, […]

01.13.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Russian Nuclear Forces 2010

Russia’s Teykovo 4 missile garrison northeast of Moscow is undergoing major upgrades for new SS-27 mobile nuclear missiles. Click image for large illustration of the changes. . By Hans M. Kristensen The latest overview of Russia’s nuclear forces produced by Robert Norris from NRDC and myself is now available on the website of the Bulletin of […]

01.12.10 | 3 min read
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NRC Seeks Public Input on Open Government

In a remarkable sign of how the ground is shifting in government information policy, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission has invited the public to suggest categories of NRC information that should be published on its web site, and to recommend other measures the Commission might take to improve transparency, public participation and collaboration. A December 8, […]

01.11.10 | 2 min read
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ACLU Files Suit on Behalf of Fired CRS Official

The American Civil Liberties Union filed a lawsuit Friday on behalf of Col. Morris D. Davis, a former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo, alleging that he was unlawfully fired from the Congressional Research Service because he made statements as a private individual that were critical of Obama Administration policy on military commissions.  (“CRS Fires A Division […]

01.11.10 | 1 min read
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Book: The World Bank Unveiled

“The World Bank Unveiled” tells the story of an attempt by World Bank researcher David Shaman and some of his colleagues to introduce greater transparency into the deliberations of the World Bank. In 1999, at a time when the Bank was subject to intense controversy and public demonstrations, Shaman co-created the internet-based B-SPAN, which offered […]

01.11.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Issue Brief
Eight Recommendations for Improving Transparency in US Arms Transfers

Transparency is essential for effective congressional and public oversight of arms exports. Without complete and accurate data on the quantity, type and recipients of exported defense articles and services, it is impossible to assess the extent to which arms transfers further national security and foreign policy.

01.08.10 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Nuclear Doctrine and Missing the Point.

The government’s much anticipated Nuclear Posture Review, originally scheduled for release in the late fall, then last month, then early February is now due out the first of March.  The report is, no doubt, coalescing into final form and a few recent newspaper articles, in particular articles in Boston Globe and Los Angeles Times, have […]

01.08.10 | 7 min read
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