Publication Archive

Global Risk
Science Magazine Biodefense News – Army Bans Pathogen Work

Today Science Magazine is reporting that the Army has banned all pathogen research at one of its labs at the Armed Forced Institute of Pathology (AFIP) in Washington, DC. This decision was made December 2, 2008 as a result of an earlier failed Biological Surety Inspection, and not made public. Science reports that “officials found […]

05.08.09 | 1 min read
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White House Urged to Withhold Detainee Photos

The White House should intervene to block the impending release of certain photographs showing detainees abused by U.S. military personnel, Senators Joseph Lieberman and Lindsey Graham wrote in a letter to President Obama yesterday.  Release of the photos is expected by May 28 in response to a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the […]

05.07.09 | 2 min read
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Republicans Press for Greater Disclosure

Questions of secrecy and disclosure are increasingly prominent in congressional interactions with the executive branch, particularly on the part of Republican members of Congress. House Republicans wrote (pdf) to Defense Secretary Gates this week to complain about what they called “a disturbing trend of restricting budget and inspection information within the Department of Defense.” They […]

05.07.09 | 1 min read
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Safety Standards for Microbiology Labs

The U.S. Army yesterday issued a revised and updated safety policy for microbiology and biomedical laboratories.  The new policy “prescribes the technical safety requirements for the use, handling, transportation, transfer, storage, and disposal of infectious agents and toxins (IAT) rated at biosafety level 2 (BSL–2) and above.”  It applies to “all U.S. Army activities and […]

05.07.09 | 1 min read
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CRS on the Classified Information Procedures Act

The Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA) was enacted in 1980 to provide a mechanism for handling classified information that was likely to arise in criminal trials.  The Act provided for the identification of such information, provisions for establishing its relevance and admissibility, and for introducing unclassified substitutions that could be openly discussed at trial. The […]

05.07.09 | 1 min read
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Odds and Ends from CRS

New reports from the Congressional Research Service obtained by Secrecy News include the following (all pdf): “Sending Mail to Members of the Armed Forces at Reduced or Free Postage: An Overview,” April 27, 2009. “State, Foreign Operations Appropriations: A Guide to Component Accounts,” March 30, 2009. “Foreign Operations Appropriations: General Provisions,” April 30, 2009. “Taiwan-U.S. […]

05.07.09 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Congressional Commission and Nuclear “Requirements”

The Congressional Commission on the strategic posture report released yesterday is what the Air Force calls a “target rich environment.” There is a lot to shoot at. This essay follows up on the post that Hans Kristensen and I published yesterday. I want to continue the theme I discussed yesterday that the recommendations of the […]

05.07.09 | 4 min read
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Global Risk
Strategic Failure: Congressional Strategic Posture Commission Report

The final report from the Congressional Strategic Posture Commission seems focused on hedging rather than leading. By Ivan Oelrich and Hans M. Kristensen The Congressional Strategic Posture Commission report published today is definitely not the place that the President or the nation should look for new ideas on how to reduce the role of nuclear […]

05.06.09 | 10 min read
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A GEOINT Analysis of Terrorism in Afghanistan

It is possible to discern potentially significant patterns in terrorist activity through an analysis of geospatial intelligence information concerning terrorist incidents, the DNI Open Source Center (OSC) says. A recent OSC study of terrorism in Afghanistan (large PDF) illustrates the growing sophistication of geointelligence analysis tools.  By analyzing parameters such as location, timing, frequency, lethality […]

05.05.09 | 1 min read
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Tactics in Counterinsurgency

“Tactics in Counterinsurgency” (pdf), a new U.S. Army Field Manual, expands upon the Counterinsurgency doctrine of the best-selling December 2006 manual (pdf) on that subject. The new manual was previously circulated in an interim, draft form and then abruptly withdrawn from public access.  (“‘Tactics in Insurgency’ Again Online,” Secrecy News, April 6, 2009).  Now it […]

05.05.09 | 1 min read
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An Algerian Nuclear Bibliography

Algeria is one of the Middle Eastern North African nations that has the scientific and technological capacity to develop nuclear weapons if legal, political and other barriers to nuclear weapons proliferation decline and lose their efficacy.  “Algeria has the expertise and the means to produce nuclear weapons” should it decide to do so, said independent […]

05.05.09 | 1 min read
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Christopher Bolkcom – RIP

To the shock and bewilderment of those who knew him, Christopher Bolkcom, a distinguished analyst at the Congressional Research Service, died suddenly May 1 at age 46. Twenty years ago, Christopher was a research assistant working for John Pike here at FAS.  He quickly went on to become a national expert on military aviation and […]

05.05.09 | 2 min read
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