Publication Archive

Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Competitiveness Through Immigration

Intensifying competition for skilled workers abroad and barriers to immigration at home are deterring potential talent from coming to the U.S.

05.20.21 | 1 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Federal Accessibility Standards for Fully Autonomous Vehicles

Self-driving technology is uniquely positioned to benefit people with travel-limiting disabilities and many older adults.

05.13.21 | 1 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Mitigating and Preventing the Existing Harms of Digital Surveillance Technology

A set of actions to rein in the unchecked power of the surveillance complex that has attached itself to our nation’s law-enforcement systems

05.13.21 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Re-envisioning Reporting of Scientific Methods

Publication of detailed scientific methodologies can save researchers time and money, and can accelerate the pace of research.

05.06.21 | 1 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Meeting Biology’s “Sputnik Moment”

Biology is becoming a defining technology of the modern era, and is expected to contribute nearly 1.1. million jobs to the US by 2030.

04.28.21 | 1 min read
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Emerging Technology
Increasing equity and accessibility of research funds can help secure U.S. leadership in science

Just a small group of nationally-ranked universities are awarded the majority of federal research funding. In 2018, a study found that out of more than 600 colleges and universities that received federal funding for science and engineering research, about 22 percent received over 90 percent of the funds. The equity and accessibility of these funds […]

04.16.21 | 4 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Rebooting the American Dream: Challenge Grants for Emerging Innovation Ecosystems

By supporting bottom-up, place-based investment and building a network of new ideas, the Administration can foster American dynamism.

04.12.21 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
The Local Innovation Unit: Achieving National Goals Through Local Experimentation

The Administration should create the Local Innovation Unit to catalyze decentralized experiments focused on our most urgent challenges.

04.07.21 | 1 min read
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Emerging Technology
A “Focused Research Organization” for Superconducting Optoelectronic Intelligence

Artificial intelligence places strenuous demands on current computing hardware, but the integration of semiconductors, superconductors, and optical hardware will create revolutionary new tools for AI. Problem Statement Digital computers are excellent for number crunching, but their operations and architecture contrast with the operations that support intelligence. When used for AI, vast amounts of energy, data, […]

04.02.21 | 3 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Section 230 Is Essential to the Internet’s Future

The law’s critics are right to question Big Tech’s power, but weakening Section 230 would not address companies’ flaws.

03.31.21 | 1 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
COVID-19 Presents an Opportunity to Invest in Federal IT Modernization

The pandemic accelerated an already rapid ongoing shift to a tech-driven world. We must similarly accelerate investments in IT.

02.25.21 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
A Strategy to Blend Domestic and Foreign Policy on Responsible Digital Surveillance Reform

The lack of coordination
between state and local agencies and the federal government around surveillance has created a deeply unregulated surveillance-tech environment and a discordant international agenda.

02.19.21 | 1 min read
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