Create a 10-year pilot AI Entrepreneur Visa program for a select group of countries to demonstrate the potential efficacy of the visa.
Urgent policy action is essential to address bias, promote diversity, increase transparency, and enforce accountability in clinical decision support AI systems.
Federal legislation would provide funding for grants and technical assistance to states and districts in planning and implementing comprehensive AI policy-to-practice plans.
Congress should assign and fund an agency office within the BIS to act as an information clearinghouse for receiving, triaging, and distributing reports on dual-use AI capabilities.
Congress should pass legislation to create a pilot program under the Department of Defense to expand access to shared commercial classified spaces and infrastructure.
Congress should establish a National Center for AI in Education to build the capacity of education agencies to undertake evidence-based continuous improvement in AI in education.
Dr. Pierre-Clément Simon and Dr. Casey Icenhour come from different backgrounds, but share similar passions: for driving forward progress in fusion energy and mentoring early career scientists.
Congress should create a voluntary Artificial Intelligence Incident Reporting Hub, inspired by existing public initiatives in cybersecurity.
For decades, assistive technology, ranging from low tech to high tech, has helped students with disabilities with learning. AI tools hold promise for making lessons more accessible.
NIST should lead an interagency coalition to produce standards that enable third-party research and development on healthcare data.
To establish the NSF Teacher AI Literacy Development Program, Congress should pass a defining piece of legislation that will outline the program’s purpose, delineate its extent, and allocate necessary funding.
Congress should authorize the establishment of a NIST Foundation to unlock additional resources, expertise, and strong ethics for AI research.