Publication Archive

Global Risk
Nuclear Legacies: Public Understanding and FAS

“In late 1945, a group of scientists who had been involved with the Manhattan Project felt it was their civic duty to help inform the public and political leaders of both the potential benefits and dangers of nuclear energy. To facilitate this important work, they established the Federation of Atomic Scientists, which soon became the Federation […]

05.09.16 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Public Interest Report: May 2016

President’s Message: Reinvention and Renewal by Charles D. Ferguson From its inception 70 years ago, the founders and members of the Federation of American Scientists were reinventing themselves. The Legacy of the Federation of American Scientists by Megan Sethi The Federation of American Scientists (FAS) formed after the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, precisely because […]

05.09.16 | 2 min read
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Archivist Won’t Call “Torture Report” a Permanent Record

Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero last week rebuffed requests to formally designate the Senate Intelligence Committee report on CIA interrogation practices a “federal record” that must be preserved. Senators Dianne Feinstein and Patrick Leahy had urged the Archivist to exercise his authority to certify that the Senate report is a federal record. […]

05.06.16 | 4 min read
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HASC Favors Classified National Military Strategy

The forthcoming National Military Strategy, unlike previous versions of the Strategy, should be a classified document, the House Armed Services Committee (HASC) said in its markup of the FY2017 defense authorization bill. Paradoxically, the Committee said that classifying the Strategy would enable increased disclosure of information– to the Committee, not to the public. “The committee […]

05.05.16 | 2 min read
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Questions for the Record: Arctic Camouflage

The camouflage netting used by the U.S. Army in the Arctic region is obsolete and ineffective, Army officials told Congress in response to a question for the record in a newly published hearing volume. “The existing Arctic camouflage system has not been upgraded since its inception in the mid-1970s. The Army’s current camouflage system, the […]

05.05.16 | 2 min read
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Judge Garland’s Opinions, and More from CRS

The Congressional Research Service continues to devote substantial attention to the nomination of Judge Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court, even if the U.S. Senate remains unwilling or unable to act on the nomination. This week CRS issued a new report presenting an annotated tabulation of hundreds of decisions written by Judge Garland. “To assist […]

05.05.16 | 1 min read
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Punishing Leaks Through Administrative Channels

The Obama Administration has famously prosecuted more individuals for unauthorized disclosures of classified information to the media than all of its predecessors combined. But behind the scenes, it appears to have sought administrative penalties for leaks — rather than criminal ones — with equal or greater vigor. “This Administration has been historically active in pursuing […]

05.03.16 | 2 min read
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Judge Garland’s Jurisprudence, and More from CRS

A new report from the Congressional Research Service examines Judge Merrick Garland’s approach to various domains of the law in an attempt to assess what the impact would be if his nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court were ever confirmed by the U.S. Senate. “The report focuses on those areas of law where Justice Scalia […]

05.03.16 | 2 min read
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ODNI Revises Costly Declassification Rule

As promised, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) last week formally withdrew a new rule on requesting declassification of classified ODNI records after receiving public complaints that it would have imposed onerous costs on requesters. A revised rule was then issued. “ODNI received comments regarding the fee provisions [with] the recommendation that […]

04.25.16 | 1 min read
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Defense Reform: Yes, But How? (and more from CRS)

There is widespread dissatisfaction with the organization and performance of the Department of Defense, a new Congressional Research Service report says, but no consensus on what to do about it. Driving the current debate, CRS says, are questions such as: *     “Why, after the expenditure of nearly $1.6 trillion and over 15 years at war […]

04.25.16 | 2 min read
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DoD Directs “Equal Attention” to Secrecy, Declassification

Declassification of national security information should be pursued on a par with classification, according to a Department of Defense directive that was reissued yesterday. “Declassification of information will receive equal attention as the classification of information so that information remains classified only as long as required by national security considerations,” said DoD Instruction 5200.01, dated […]

04.22.16 | 2 min read
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Border Security Doesn’t Yield Consistent Results (CRS)

Border security to prevent unauthorized migration along the U.S-Mexico border is a dynamic and challenging problem that has not consistently been mitigated by allocating increased resources, such as fencing and surveillance, says a newly updated report from the Congressional Research Service. “Robust investments at the border were not associated with reduced unauthorized inflows during the […]

04.22.16 | 1 min read
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