The US has imposed several categories of sanctions on Russia in response to malicious or objectionable Russian activity. A new report from the Congressional Research Service provides an overview of US sanction tools and authorities, and their application to the case of Russia. It also discusses the various sanction regimes, their targets, their effectiveness, and the countersanctions that Russia has introduced. See U.S. Sanctions on Russia, November 28, 2018.
Other new and updated products from the Congressional Research Service include the following.
Iran Sanctions, updated November 28, 2018
The “National Security Exception” and the World Trade Organization, CRS Legal Sidebar, November 28, 2018
U.S. Tariff Policy: Overview, CRS In Focus, November 28, 2018
District Court Temporarily Blocks Implementation of Asylum Restrictions on Unlawful Entrants at the Southern Border, CRS Legal Sidebar, November 27, 2018
The Venezuela Regional Migration Crisis, CRS In Focus, November 27, 2018
Brexit at a Pivotal Moment, CRS Insight, November 28, 2018
Revisiting the Doubling Effort: Trends in Federal Funding for Basic Research in the Physical Sciences and Engineering, CRS Insight, November 27, 2018
Administration of the House of Representatives: Actions Taken During a New Congress and Following a Majority Change, CRS In Focus, November 26, 2018
Electing the Speaker of the House of Representatives: Frequently Asked Questions, updated November 26, 2018
Defense Primer: Under Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering, CRS In Focus, updated November 14, 2018
Defense Primer: RDT&E, CRS In Focus, updated November 13, 2018
Defense Primer: Congress’s Constitutional Authority with Regard to the Armed Forces, CRS In Focus, updated November 13, 2018
Defense Primer: Legal Authorities for the Use of Military Forces, CRS In Focus, updated November 13, 2018
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