EU-Japan Trade Agreement Leaves US Out, & More from CRS

02.13.19 | 2 min read | Text by Steven Aftergood

A new free trade agreement (FTA) between the European Union and Japan places the US at a disadvantage, at least temporarily, the Congressional Research Service said. The new agreement entered into force this month.

The two trading partners negotiated what Japan called the “world’s largest, free, industrialized economic zone” without the US partly in response to the Trump Administration’s combative trade policy and its withdrawal from existing trade negotiations.

“The EU and Japan have expressed concerns over recent U.S. tariffs imposed on their products and the perceived waning in U.S. support for the multilateral trading system,” according to a new CRS brief.

“In the absence of a U.S. FTA with either major economy, certain U.S. industries could face competitive disadvantages or lost market share. . . as the EU and Japan enjoy preferential access to each other’s markets,” CRS said.

As the new agreement is implemented, “the United States will be under increased stakeholders’ pressure to secure comparable access to these important markets,” the CRS report said. See EU-Japan FTA: Implications for U.S. Trade PolicyCRS In Focus, February 7, 2019.

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