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Blank Checks for Black Boxes: Bring AI Governance to Competitive Grants

01.30.25 | 9 min read | Text by Dan Bateyko

The misuse of AI in federally-funded projects can risk public safety and waste taxpayer dollars.

The Trump administration has a pivotal opportunity to spot wasteful spending, promote public trust in AI, and safeguard Americans from unchecked AI decisions. To tackle AI risks in grant spending, grant-making agencies should adopt trustworthy AI practices in their grant competitions and start enforcing them against reckless grantees.

Federal AI spending could soon skyrocket. One ambitious legislative plan from a Senate AI Working Group calls for doubling non-defense AI spending to $32 billion a year by 2026. That funding would grow AI across R&D, cybersecurity, testing infrastructure, and small business support. 

Yet as federal AI investment accelerates, safeguards against snake oil lag behind. Grants can be wasted on AI that doesn’t work. Grants can pay for untested AI with unknown risks. Grants can blur the lines of who is accountable for fixing AI’s mistakes. And grants offer little recourse to those affected by an AI system’s flawed decisions. Such failures risk exacerbating public distrust of AI, discouraging possible beneficial uses. 

Oversight for federal grant spending is lacking, with: 

Watchdogs, meanwhile, play a losing game, chasing after errant programs one-by-one only after harm has been done. Luckily, momentum is building for reform. Policymakers recognize that investing in untrustworthy AI erodes public trust and stifles genuine innovation. Steps policymakers could take include setting clear AI quality standards, training grant judges, monitoring grantee’s AI usage, and evaluating outcomes to ensure projects achieve their potential. By establishing oversight practices, agencies can foster high-potential projects for economic competitiveness, while protecting the public from harm. 

Challenge and Opportunity

Poor AI Oversight Jeopardizes Innovation and Civil Rights

The U.S. government advances public goals in areas like healthcare, research, and social programs by providing various types of federal assistance. This funding can go to state and local governments or directly to organizations, nonprofits, and individuals. When federal agencies award grants, they typically do so expecting less routine involvement than they would with other funding mechanisms, for example cooperative agreements. Not all federal grants look the same—agencies administer mandatory grants, where the authorizing statute determines who receives funding, and competitive grants (or “discretionary grants”), where the agency selects award winners. In competitive grants, agencies have more flexibility to set program-specific conditions and award criteria, which opens opportunities for policymakers to structure how best to direct dollars to innovative projects and mitigate emerging risks. 

These competitive grants fall short on AI oversight. Programmatic policy is set in cross-cutting laws, agency-wide policies, and grant-specific rules; a lack of AI oversight mars all three. To date, no government-wide AI regulation extends to AI grantmaking. Even when President Biden’s 2023 AI Executive Order directed agencies to implement responsible AI practices, the order’s implementing policies exempted grant spending (see footnote 25) entirely from the new safeguards. In this vacuum, the 26 grantmaking agencies are on their own to set agency-wide policies. Few have. Agencies can also set AI rules just for specific funding opportunities. They do not. In fact, in a review of a large set of agency discretionary grant programs, only a handful of funding notices announced a standard for AI quality in a proposed program. (See: One Bad NOFO?) The net result? A policy and implementation gap for the use of AI in grant-funded programs.

Funding mistakes damage agency credibility, stifle innovation, and undermines the support for people and communities financial assistance aims to provide. Recent controversies highlight how today’s lax measures—particularly in setting clear rules for federal financial assistance, monitoring how they are used, and responding to public feedback—have led to inefficient and rights-trampling results. In just the last few years, some of the problems we have seen include:

Any grant can attract controversy, and these grants are no exception. But the cases above spotlight transparency, monitoring, and participation deficits—the same kinds of AI oversight problems weakening trust in government that policymakers aim to fix in other contexts.

Smart spending depends on careful planning. Without it, programs may struggle to drive innovation or end up funding AI that infringes peoples’ rights. OMB, as well as agency Inspectors General, and grant managers will need guidance to evaluate what money is going towards AI and how to implement effective oversight. Government will face tradeoffs and challenges promoting AI innovation in federal grants, particularly due to:

1) The AI Screening Problem. When reviewing applications, agencies might fail to screen out candidates that exaggerate their AI capabilities—or fail to report bunk AI use altogether. Grantmaking requires calculated risks on ideas that might fail. But grant judges who are not experts in AI can make bad bets. Applicants will pitch AI solutions directly to these non-experts, and grant winners, regardless of their original proposal, will likely purchase and deploy AI, creating additional oversight challenges. 

2) The grant-procurement divide. When planning a grant, agencies might set overly burdensome restrictions that dissuade qualified applicants from applying or otherwise take up too much time, getting in the way of grant goals. Grants are meant to be hands-off;  fostering breakthroughs while preventing negligence will be a challenging needle to thread. 

 3) Limited agency capacity. Agencies may be unequipped to monitor grant recipients’ use of AI. After awarding funding, agencies can miss when vetted AI breaks down on launch. While agencies audit grantees, those audits typically focus on fraud and financial missteps. In some cases, agencies may not be measuring grantee performance well at all (slides 12-13).  Yet regular monitoring, similar to the oversight used in procurement, will be necessary to catch emergent problems that affect AI outcomes. Enforcement, too, could be cause for concern; agencies clawback funds for procedural issues, but “almost never withhold federal funds when grantees are out of compliance with the substantive requirements of their grant statutes.” Even as the funding agency steps away, an inaccurate AI system can persist, embedding risks over a longer period of time.

Plan of Action

Recommendation 1. OMB and agencies should bake-in pre-award scrutiny through uniform requirements and clearer guidelines

Recommendation 2. OMB and grant marketplaces should coordinate information sharing between agencies

To support review of AI-related grants, OMB and grantmaking agency staff should pool knowledge on AI’s tricky legal, policy, and technical matters. 

Recommendation 3. Agencies should embrace targeted hiring and talent exchanges for grant review boards

Agencies should have experts in a given AI topic judging grant competitions. To do so requires overcoming talent acquisition challenges. To that end:

Recommendation 4. Agencies should step up post-award monitoring and enforcement

You can’t improve what you don’t measure—especially when it comes to AI. Quantifying, documenting, and enforcing against careless AI uses can be a new task for grantmaking agencies.  Incident reporting will improve the chances that existing cross-cutting regulations, including civil rights laws, can reel back AI gone awry. 

Recommendation 5. Agencies should encourage and fund efforts to investigate and measure AI harms 


Little limits how grant winners can spend federal dollars on AI. With the government poised to massively expand its spending on AI, that should change. 

The federal failure to oversee AI use in grants erodes public trust, civil rights, effective service delivery and the promise of government-backed innovation. Congressional efforts to remedy these problems–starting probes, drafting letters–are important oversight measures, but only come after the damage is done. 

Both the Trump and Biden administrations have recognized that AI is exceptional and needs exceptional scrutiny. Many of the lessons learned from scrutinizing federal agency AI procurement apply to grant competitions. Today’s confluence of public will, interest, and urgency is a rare opportunity to widen the aperture of AI governance to include grantmaking.

This action-ready policy memo is part of Day One 2025 — our effort to bring forward bold policy ideas, grounded in science and evidence, that can tackle the country’s biggest challenges and bring us closer to the prosperous, equitable and safe future that we all hope for whoever takes office in 2025 and beyond.

PLEASE NOTE (February 2025): Since publication several government websites have been taken offline. We apologize for any broken links to once accessible public data.

Frequently Asked Questions
What authorities allow agencies to make grant competitions?

Enabling statutes for agencies often are the authority for grant competitions. For grant competitions, the statutory language leaves it to agencies to place further specific policies on the competition. Additionally, laws, like the DATA Act and Federal Grant and Cooperative Agreement Act, offer definitions and guidance to agencies in the use of federal funds.

What kinds of steps do agencies take in pre-award funding?

Agencies already conduct a great deal of pre-award planning to align grantmaking with Executive Orders. For example, in one survey of grantmakers, a little over half of respondents updated their pre-award processes, such as applications and organization information, to comply with an Executive Order. Grantmakers aligning grant planning with the Trump administration’s future Executive Orders will likely follow similar steps.

Who receives federal grant funding for the development and use of AI?

A wide range of states, local governments, companies, and individuals receive grant competition funds. Spending records, available on USASpending.gov, give some insight into where grant funding goes, though these records too, can be incomplete.