New and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service that have not been made publicly available include the following.
The 2010 Census: Count Question Resolution Program, December 7, 2012
An Analysis of STEM Education Funding at the NSF: Trends and Policy Discussion, December 12, 2012
Value-Added Modeling for Teacher Effectiveness, December 11, 2012
Teacher Quality Issues in the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, December 10, 2012
U.S. Farm Income, December 10, 2012
The National Flood Insurance Program: Status and Remaining Issues for Congress, December 10, 2012
Department of Defense Energy Initiatives: Background and Issues for Congress, Decembr 10, 2012
Navy Force Structure and Shipbuilding Plans: Background and Issues for Congress, December 10, 2012
Navy Ford (CVN-78) Class Aircraft Carrier Program: Background and Issues for Congress, December 10, 2012
Coast Guard Polar Icebreaker Modernization: Background, Issues, and Options for Congress, December 10, 2012
Navy Ohio Replacement (SSBN[X]) Ballistic Missile Submarine Program: Background and Issues for Congress, December 10, 2012
In early November 2024, the United States released a report describing the fourth revision to its nuclear employment strategy since the end of the Cold War and the third since 2013.
The federal government should designate “Receiving Cities” to which it will allocate funds and tax incentives aimed at producing and preserving affordable housing, in anticipation of population inflows.
BLM’s right-of-way application materials should require applicants to address how solar arrays will be planned, designed, and operated to support traditional ranching practices and surrounding rural economies.
Life-extending the existing Minuteman III missiles is the best way to field an ICBM force without sacrificing funding for other priorities.