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day one project
Policy Memo
Support Electrification at Regional Airports to Preserve Competitiveness & Improve Health Outcomes

…could also lead to significant high altitude nitrogen oxide pollution. Electrification also offers an opportunity to better integrate airports into both urban and rural transit networks, provide clean energy and…

06.02.21 | 12 min read
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Emerging Technology
Increasing equity and accessibility of research funds can help secure U.S. leadership in science

…there will be more discussions on Capitol Hill about how to bolster the country’s expertise in high-priority fields such as AI, climate science, quantum computing, clean energy, and biotechnology, and…

04.16.21 | 4 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
Building Back with a Cleaner Power Grid for America

…Administration should accelerate adoption of distributed energy resources and expand transmission capacity to create a more unified national power grid. These efforts will increase equitable access to clean energy, accelerate…

04.01.21 | 8 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Forging 1,000 Venture Scientists to Transform the Innovation Economy

…economic experiments our innovation system needs for growth and sustainability in legacy sectors like clean energy. But to share this prosperity we need to start with the states “left behind.”…

03.04.21 | 2 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Revitalizing the DOE Loan Program Office to Support Clean Infrastructure Development

…much more distributed. Modernizing the LPO is a critical means for advancing the Biden-Harris Administration’s climate agenda because the Office supports the development of clean energy projects at commercial scale,…

02.18.21 | 2 min read
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