Impact Fellowship

07.13.23 | 1 min read

As one of the nation’s oldest science public interest organizations, FAS believes that scientists and technologists have an obligation to use their expertise for the betterment of humankind. Through the FAS Impact Fellowship program, the Day One Talent Hub provides a pathway for diverse scientific and technological experts to participate in an impactful, short-term “tour of service” in federal government. Impact Fellows help ensure that science and technology are inextricably linked with policymaking as our nation confronts existential challenges and pursues ambitious opportunities.

The Impact Fellowship is a selective fellowship program that supports the development and placement of emerging scientific and technical talent within high-impact roles across the federal government.

From education to clean energy, immigration, wildfire resilience, national security, and fair housing, Impact Fellows are serving across a variety of federal agencies in roles that augment existing government teams as they confront some of the greatest scientific and social challenges of our time.

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