Meet the staff

Meet our staff

For over 75 years, FAS has fostered the voices of world-class experts and early-career researchers alike from a variety of scientific, academic, and professional backgrounds.

meet our Impact Fellows

FAS Support a variety of fellow, residential and adjunct, to further our mission advancing experts, innovators, and early-career talent.

Ashley Schimke has worked with a variety of food system stakeholders and practitioners across federal nutrition security programs for over 12 years.
Staff Fellow
Ashley Schimke
Audrey Peek
Staff Fellow
Audrey Peek
Staff Fellow
Bhavya Mohan
Brittni Echols joins FAS after having worked a year with the USDA Agricultural Marketing Services in the Local and Regional Foods Division.
Staff Fellow
Brittni Echols
Staff Fellow
Candace Young
Staff Fellow
Christopher J. Gillespie
Cristina Jopling has worked both abroad and domestically in sustainable agriculture, grant writing, and food value chain coordination.
Staff Fellow
Cristina Jopling
Cynthia Caul is a Regional Outreach Coordinator Impact Fellow.
Staff Fellow
Cynthia Caul
Staff Fellow
Dakota Graves
Danielle Barber is an Agricultural Marketing Specialist Impact Fellow.
Staff Fellow
Danielle Barber
Staff Fellow
Dominique Dallas
Staff Fellow
Elizabeth Texeira