Rich Taylor is an R&D Manager for the Weapons Research Services, Secure Networks and Assurance group (WRS-SNA) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL), as well as Director for the LANL Nuclear Weapons Cyber Assurance Laboratory (NWCAL). The WRS-SNA group combines related disciplines in IT operations, network security, and software engineering with a goal of encouraging a security-focused development operations culture to support programs across the LANL weapons-production organization. The NWCAL is a new, pioneering initiative at LANL responding to threats to the laboratory’s national-security mission and weapons programs. NWCAL mitigates mission risk by providing cyber-physical and technical software assurance. Leveraging this capability in supply-chain risk assessments helps bolster understanding of both cyber and physical risks to our nation’s critical supply chains. Rich has been involved in cybersecurity since 2001. Much of his earlier work focused on vulnerabilities of specialized information systems such as banking networks, VoIP systems, and other proprietary systems. His later work focused on supply-chain vulnerabilities with an emphasis on small- to medium-sized manufacturers. Rich currently focuses on cybersecurity vulnerabilities in nuclear weapons production, including the supply chain, cyber-physical systems on manufacturing floors, and critical data associated with weapons production. Rich also serves as the Operational Technology co-chair of the Nuclear Enterprise Assurance Digital Systems Assurance Working Group (NDSAWG).