Senior Policy Associate, STEM Education & Workforce Pathways
Megan Zabik
Education Policy,
Workforce Development,
Social Policy,
Early Childhood Education

Megan Zabik is a Senior Policy Associate for the STEM Education & Workforce Pathways portfolio. In this role, she supports a range of projects and initiatives promoting the funding and capacity for education research & development (R&D), STEM education, and workforce pathways in the U.S.

Prior to her role at FAS, she worked in customer success and stakeholder relations at an AI tech start-up as a Venture for America Fellow in Detroit. Megan also worked at the W.E. Upjohn Institute for Employment Research managing research projects and drafting policy reports related to urban planning, innovation, inclusive economic development, and entrepreneurship ecosystems.

Megan graduated with a B.A. in International Studies and Spanish from the University of Michigan and a Master of Science in International Social and Public Policy from the London School of Economics & Political Science.