Anna is an NGFP fellow at the National Nuclear Security Administration. She graduated summa cum laude with a B.A. in History from Colgate University and completed her M.A. in History from the University of Chicago. Her thesis studied uranium mining, nuclear colonialism, and Lakota anti-nuclear activism in the Black Hills of South Dakota. She also worked as a Junior Fellow for the Partnerships in Proliferation Prevention Program at the Henry L. Stimson Center, analyzing nuclear security issues regarding domestic violent extremism and insider threat mitigation. Anna enjoys hiking, wakeboarding, poetry, and reading niche New Yorker articles.
Research Project Summary
In the early years of the Cold War, many scientists from the Manhattan Project fervently believed in the idea of “One World or None,” and promoted nuclear one worldism. Though the scientific profession had relatively little experience with public engagement before the 1940s, scientists banded together to stretch the political possibilities of professional modes of association to foster support for world government. My case study asks what historic role did scientific activism play in nuclear policy through one-worldism and how can scientific activism become a viable force in rethinking deterrence today?