Adjunct Senior Fellow
Amir Bagherpour
Crisis and Conflict Risk Forecasting,
Emerging Technologies

Amir Bagherpour, Ph.D. is an Adjunct Senior Fellow at FAS. His areas of expertise are on disinformation risk detection, crisis & conflict risk forecasting, and emerging technologies. Dr. Bagherpour is a Managing Director at Accenture. He leads the development of advanced analytics platforms and methods for helping organizations make better decisions. His Industry experience spans both commercial and federal sectors. Dr. Bagherpour served as Chief of the Advanced Analytics Team at the Bureau of Conflict & Stabilization Operations and later Director of Data Analytics in the Office of the Secretary of State. Earlier in his career he worked as an application engineer at NSK Corporation, where he focused on design and integration of bearings and motion control components into automation processes.  Dr. Bagherpour has PhD in Political Science with an Emphasis in Quantitative Methods from Claremont Graduate University and an MBA from the University of California Irvine. He graduated from West Point with a Bachelors of Science in Management Studies and Systems Engineering.

Global Risk
day one project
Policy Memo
A National Strategy to Counter COVID-19 Misinformation

The next administration should establish an office at the Dept. of Health and Human Services dedicated to combating COVID-19 misinformation.

11.05.20 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Radiological Ray Gun: More Buck Rogers Fantasy than Risk to Real People

The June 18th arrest of two men for allegedly plotting to build a bizarre yet potentially deadly radiological device once again highlights the potential nexus of non-state actors with so-called weapons of mass destruction (WMD). However, much like this year’s troika of ricin-laced letters addressed to government facilities (including one to the CIA) and public […]

06.20.13 | 8 min read
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Global Risk
War with Iran? Revisiting the Potentially Staggering Costs to the Global Economy

The Senate passage of Resolution 65 on May 22, 2013, some argue, draws the United States closer to military action against Iran. In October 2012, amid concerns that surprisingly little research addressed the potential broad outcomes of possible U.S.-led actions against Iran, researchers at the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) assembled nine renowned subject matter […]

05.23.13 | 3 min read
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Global Risk
Better Understanding North Korea: Q&A with Seven East Asian Experts, Part 2

Editor’s Note: This is the second of two postings of a Q&A conducted primarily by the Federation of American Scientists regarding the current situation on the Korean Peninsula. Developed and edited by Charles P. Blair, Mark Jansson, and Devin H. Ellis, the authors’ responses have not been edited; all views expressed by these subject-matter experts are their own. Please note […]

04.17.13 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Better Understanding North Korea: Q&A with Seven East Asian Experts, Part 1

Researchers from the Federation of American Scientists (FAS) asked seven individuals who are experts in East Asia about the the recent escalation in tensions on the Korean Peninsula. Is North Korea serious about their threats and are we on the brink of war? What influence does China exert over DPRK, and what influence is China wiling to exert over the DPRK? How does the increase in tension affect South Korean President Park Guen-he’s political agenda?

This is the first part of the Q&A featuring Dr. Ted Galen Carpenter, Dr. Balbina Hwang, Ms. Duyeon Kim and Dr. Leon Sigal.

04.15.13 | 1 min read
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Global Risk
Q&A Session on Recent Developments in U.S. and NATO Missile Defense with Dr. Yousaf Butt and Dr. George Lewis

Dr. Yousaf Butt, a nuclear physicist, is professor and scientist-in-residence at the James Martin Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies. The views expressed are his own. Dr. George N. Lewis is a senior research associate at the Judith Reppy Institute for Peace and Conflict Studies at Cornell University. Researchers from […]

03.20.13 | 16 min read
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Global Risk
Science and Security: The Moratorium on H5N1 “Gain-of-Function” Experiments

The Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) H5N1 virus poses a public health threat in many regions of the world. Approximately 600 human cases have been reported since 2003, with a laboratory-confirmed case fatality rate of up to 60% according to the World Health Organization (WHO). The recent death of a woman from southwest China, attributed to H5N1, has […]

03.07.13 | 8 min read
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Global Risk
Norway’s Anders Brevik: Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Politics of Cultural Despair

ABOUT THIS REPORT (click to show) At some point, most security analysts face the dilemma of balancing expediency with analytical thoroughness. Such is the case with Norway’s Anders Breivik. As his victims await burial, Breivik’s treatise—the 1500 page, 2083: A European Declaration of Independence (click here for PDF link)—became available only a few days ago. […]

07.27.11 | 6 min read
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