day one project

Progress Studies Policy Accelerator

01.24.22 | 1 min read

At an important moment of science policymaking, federal policymakers are continually seeking ambitious science ideas. 

Building on previous work done with Day One Contributors Adam Marblestone and Sam Rodriques on creating Focused Research Organizations, the Day One Project partnered with the recently launched Institute of Progress to develop and advance ambitious policy ideas to reshape public institutions and drive global progress. 

Over the course of seven weeks, 18 contributors joined us on this mission, as they designed, iterated, sought veteran policymaker feedback, and published actionable memos on improving the R&D pipeline,  spurring social progress, and enhancing U.S. competitiveness. 

The proposals were inspired by the nascent community of technologists, economists, historians, anthropologists, sociologists, innovation scholars, the science of science policy advocates, and others steeped in knowledge about how to most productively create more equitable, inclusive, robust, prosperous, and effective societies. 

Many of these proposals were inspired by Patrick Collison and Tyler Cowen’s seminal article on “We Need a New Science of Progress” and a direct response to systemic declines in marketplaces that could support new ideas as highlighted by Derek Thompson. 

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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Fund Organizations, Not Projects: Diversifying America’s Innovation Ecosystem with a Portfolio of Independent Research Organizations

Dominant research-funding paradigms are constraining the outputs of America’s innovation systems.

01.28.22 | 9 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
Creating Advanced Market Commitments and Prizes for Pandemic Preparedness

The U.S. should invest in AMCs and prizes for vaccine development and deployment as part of the American Pandemic Preparedness Plan.

01.19.22 | 10 min read
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Emerging Technology
day one project
Policy Memo
Broadening the Knowledge Economy through Independent Scholarship

Our lack of creativity in defining the scholarly landscape is limiting our nation’s capacity for innovation.

01.19.22 | 7 min read
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day one project
Policy Memo
Curing Alzheimer’s by Investing in Aging Research

Now is the time for the NIA to drive science-first funding for the field of aging.

01.19.22 | 6 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Improving Graduate-Student Mentorship by Investing in Traineeship Grants

The federal government should build on the success of the NIH’s training-grant program to support STEMM graduate students & U.S. R&D.

01.19.22 | 1 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Creating a Public System of National Laboratory Schools

The U.S. should establish a system of National Laboratory Schools in parallel to its existing system of FFRDCs.

01.19.22 | 32 min read
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Education & Workforce
day one project
Policy Memo
Bringing Opportunities to Incarcerated Persons and Prison-Tech Startups

The White House should expand military-civilian partnerships in trauma care to achieve a national goal of eliminating preventable deaths.

11.23.21 | 10 min read
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