
FAS Statement on President’s Budget Request to Congress

05.28.21 | 2 min read | Text by Federation of American Scientists

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Federation of American Scientists Acting President Dan Correa released the following statement on President Joe Biden’s proposed $6 trillion budget request to Congress:

“With a global pandemic disrupting the world and highlighting both the strengths and liabilities of the United States’ economy and infrastructure, the Federation of American Scientists commends President Biden on putting forward a budget that would address critical needs, from childcare and paid leave to investing in electric vehicle charging stations. Foundational investments in roads, water pipes, broadband internet, and advanced manufacturing are key to helping our nation rebuild, enhancing national security, and supporting all Americans. Included in the President’s budget request is $7.5 billion to launch Advanced Research Project Agencies for health and climate, representing a generational investment in advancing innovative research and development. Further, the budget includes a $500 million investment in the Technology Modernization Fund, $300 million for research and development in technologies of the future, and an additional $750 million devoted towards upgrading the security of IT, which represent opportunities for the federal government to deliver services more effectively to the American people. The budget request includes a critical $8.7 billion investment to support the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to help prepare for emerging global threats, a necessary national security priority.”

The Federation of American Scientists is committed to ensuring that insights from scientists and technologists are included at policymaking tables. For further information on modernizing technology in government, you can read Scaling Proven IT Modernization Strategies Across the Federal Government, a Day One Proposal by Ann Dunkin and Greg Godbout. For further information on delivering high-speed internet to rural communities, clean infrastructure development, investing in health research, and building a competitive workforce, you can read the Day One Project proposals to Prioritize Funding for High-Speed Internet Connectivity that Rural Communities Can Afford to Adopt by Caroline Stratton, a proposal on Revitalizing the DOE Loan Program Office to Support Clean Infrastructure Development by David Foster, Michael Kearney, and Chris Knittel, a proposal on Creating the Health Advanced Research Projects Agency (HARPA) by Michael Stebbins and Geoff Ling, and a proposal on Responding to the COVID-19 Unemployment Crisis and Meeting the Future of Work Challenge by Marcus Courtney and Adam Bobrow.
