Recent CRS Reports

11.20.07 | 1 min read | Text by Steven Aftergood

Recent reports of interest from the Congressional Research Service include the following (all pdf):

U.S. Arms Sales to Pakistan, November 8, 2007.

Nuclear Weapons: The Reliable Replacement Warhead Program, updated November 8, 2007.

Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia: Political Developments and Implications for U.S. Interests, updated November 7, 2007.

China and Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction and Missiles: Policy Issues, updated October 22, 2007.

The Iran Sanctions Act (ISA), updated October 12, 2007.

NATO in Afghanistan: A Test of the Transatlantic Alliance, updated October 23, 2007.

China’s Economic Conditions, updated October 11, 2007.

Ukraine: Current Issues and U.S. Policy, updated October 10, 2007.

See all publications