Congress May Overturn Some Agency Rules, & More from CRS
“With a change of presidential administrations taking place in January, some in Congress are paying renewed attention to a parliamentary mechanism that might enable the new Congress and the new President to overturn agency final rules of the Obama Administration issued after late-May 2016,” a newly updated brief from the Congressional Research Service explains.
“The inauguration of Republican Donald J. Trump as President in 2017 may present a finite window during which the [congressional] disapproval mechanism might be used more successfully.” See Agency Final Rules Submitted After May 30, 2016, May Be Subject to Disapproval in 2017 Under the Congressional Review Act, CRS Insight, updated November 9, 2016.
Other new and updated reports from the Congressional Research Service include the following.
Legislative Actions to Repeal, Defund, or Delay the Affordable Care Act, updated November 10, 2016
“Regulatory Relief” for Banking: Selected Legislation in the 114th Congress, updated November 10, 2016
Retirement Benefits for Members of Congress, updated November 10, 2016
Staff Tenure in Selected Positions in Senate Committees, 2006-2016, November 9, 2016
Staff Tenure in Selected Positions in Senators’ Offices, 2006-2016, November 9, 2016
Staff Tenure in Selected Positions in House Committees, 2006-2016, November 9, 2016
Staff Tenure in Selected Positions in House Member Offices, 2006-2016, November 9, 2016
U.S. Trade with Free Trade Agreement (FTA) Partners, updated November 9, 2016
China Issues Decision on Hong Kong Legislative Council Controversy, CRS Insight, November 9, 2016
Navy Force Structure: A Bigger Fleet? Background and Issues for Congress, updated November 9, 2016
Gun Control: FY2017 Appropriations for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and Other Initiatives, November 9, 2016
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By investing in the mechanisms that connect learning ecosystems, policymakers can build “neighborhoods” of learning that prepare students for citizenship, work, and life.
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Shifting the Paradigm on Breastfeeding to Build a Healthier Future for all Americans
Policymakers on both sides of the aisle agree that no baby should ever go hungry, as evidenced by the bipartisan passage of recent breastfeeding legislation and widely supported regulations. However, significant barriers remain.