A newly revised Army regulation prescribes the use of “red teams” that are assigned to try and penetrate the security of military communications, as if they were hackers or opposition forces.
“Red Team operations expose vulnerabilities by challenging an organization’s readiness and ability to protect information. Red Team activities focus on identifying an organization’s critical and classified information to show the operational impact of physical, information and operations security shortcomings,” the regulation explains. “To replicate a true adversary, certified Red Teams have the authority to access .mil networks from public domains through the use of remote operations.”
See “Communications Security Monitoring,” Army Regulation 380-53, December 23, 2011.
Among other changes to the previous edition of the regulation, the new revision “removes the requirement to obtain permission from the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Networks and Information Integration to conduct communications security monitoring in the National Capital Region.”
NATO today began its annual tactical nuclear weapons exercise in Europe. Known as Steadfast Noon, the two-week long exercise involves more than 60 aircraft from 13 countries and more than 2,000 personnel, according to a NATO press release. That is slightly bigger than last year’s exercise that involved “up to 60” aircraft. The exercise is […]
Increasing women in leadership roles is important for gender parity and bringing in new perspectives, but it does not guarantee peace.
To address challenges posed by increased extreme heat, USAID should mobilize finance through environmental impact bonds focused on scaling extreme heat adaptation solutions.
These recommendations can catapult the Advisory Committee structure into one that continues providing the government with the best advice.