Climate Smart Agriculture + Forestry Impact Fellow
Application closes on Friday, September 8, 2023 at 12pm ET.
Washington D.C. – Full-Time – Hybrid or Remote, with some travel to DC
The FAS Talent Hub is seeking a fellow for a 1-year term (with potential opportunity to extend upon availability of funds) to join the National Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Climate Office within the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). The Fellow will assist in formalizing a robust and comprehensive process for evaluating additions and modifications to the list of existing Climate Smart Agriculture and Forestry (CSAF) practices.
Current federal employees are not eligible for this position.
This person will lead the effort to refine a draft process aimed at enhancing the overall standards for conservation practices, with a primary focus on maximizing the benefits of climate mitigation. This includes the following aspects:
- Summarizing and presenting recommendations to NRCS and Farm Production and Conservation (FPAC) mission area leadership
- Developing a mechanism for feedback from external partners
- Managing and coordinating feedback from internal and external partners
- Working across NRCS, including with states, centers, teams, and deputy areas
- Working across many USDA agencies and mission areas (Farm Production and Conservation, Research, Education, and Economics; Forest Service; and the Office of the Chief Economist) to leverage expertise and coordinate interagency conversations and processes
- Serving on a subject-matter expert team to evaluate quantifiable carbon sequestration or greenhouse gasses (GHG) reduction methodologies for specific practices (activities)
- Providing information synthesis on climate-mitigation relevant topics related to current or potential NRCS activities
- Assisting agency discipline leaders in literature review and analysis specific to climate mitigation impacts of practices and associated activities
- Conducting transparent documentation of methodologies and assumptions
- You should be familiar with the NRCS conservation planning processes and practice standards, and possess the ability to work effectively with NRCS’s scientific, programmatic, and administrative staff.
- You need to be detail-oriented, have the capacity to design, organize, and manage intricate processes, and be equipped with solid skills in quantitative analysis.
- You should have strong competencies in project coordination, strategic thinking, collaboration, and communication, both written and verbal. Additionally, you should value and contribute to a workplace environment that is collegial and inclusive.
- You should have a deep understanding of science-informed policy development and the ability to engage with various disciplines, utilizing expertise from a diverse set of partners and collaborators.
- A diverse academic background and experience in a wide range of disciplines would be an advantage, enabling you to leverage and integrate different perspectives and insights.
Unfortunately, FAS is unable to consider current federal employees for the FAS Impact Fellowship.
Ph.D. preferred in any scientific or engineering discipline with a grounding in agriculture, natural resources, soil science, earth, ecological or environmental science, or related field.
This fellowship will provide a salary for the entirety of the fellowship duration at an annual rate of $170,000 per year. The Impact Fellow will receive additional compensation $2,000 per month to account for health and living expenses. Additional information about the Fellowship can be found in our FAQ.
To apply, please submit your interest here. We strongly encourage candidates from all backgrounds to apply. Early submission will ensure your application receives full consideration.
The FAS Impact Fellowship is a selective fellowship program that supports the development and placement of emerging scientific and technical talent within high-impact roles across the federal government. From education to clean energy, immigration, wildfire resilience, national security, and fair housing, Impact Fellows are serving across a variety of federal agencies in roles that augment existing government teams as they confront some of the greatest scientific and social challenges of our time.