New Technologies 

Henry Kelly Speaks at SIPA Annual Conference

On March 18th, 2008, FAS President Henry Kelly spoke on energy conservation and climate change at the Structural Insulated Panel Association (SIPA) Annual Meeting and Conference. His presentation focused on the impacts of the building industry on the realities of climate change, as well as the important potential of advanced building products like SIPs as a mitigation strategy.

Dr. Kelly's presentation can be found here. 


A major focus of the Building Technologies Program is the development of new technologies that improve the energy efficiency and reduce the environmental impact of the built environment, as well as providing for their practical implementation. A main focus of this research has been composite assemblies and static conservation methods. These technologies are generally affordable for all, and allow for high standards in all performance categories.  In researching these technologies, FAS works with professional, academic, and industry partners to develop and apply research for the benefit of the industry. In addition, FAS works with like-minded organizations to construct demonstration houses, showcasing advanced building technologies and providing much needed high-quality housing stock. More information regarding that can be found here.

Current research projects and areas of focus can be found below.  

Adopting Cementitious SIPs to Multi-Story Construction

Seismic Evaluation of Structural Insulated Panels

In August, FAS's Joe Hagerman coauthored a paper with UC Berkeley Professor Khalid Mosalam on the seismic evaluation of Structural Insulated Panels. Read the paper here.

ASCE AEI Conference

FAS chaired a session at the American Society of Civil Engineers Architectural Engineering Institute's Annual Conference in Denver, focusing on FAS's research on multi-story applications of Cementitious Structural Insulated Panels. Read More...

Cementitious Structural Insulated Panel Info Kit

A preliminary overview of CSIP technology, including code conformance issues, acceptance criteria for SIP panels, and common connection details. Read more...

Adopting Cementitious SIPs to Multi-Story Construction

Working with a grant from the Charles Pankow Foundation, FAS is creating a design procedure document for the use of cementitious structural insulated panels in multi-story construction. The project will be completed in the summer/fall of 2008. Read more...

Panel Testing at UC Berkeley

The Building Technologies Program is working with the University of California at Berkeley to perform seismic testing of composite panels. This will help further evaluate the structural potential of these panels, will identify areas to optimize in panel design, and will identify areas for future research. Read more...

SIP Testing

In an effort to more fully develop and analyze structural insulated panels (SIPs) as a high performance, energy efficient building system, FAS has conducted several different tests to evaluate their performance. This includes fire, earthquake, and missile testing. Read more...

Product Evaluation and Certification: Approval Options for the Building Industry

This paper explains two processes for manufacturers to demonstrate code compliance of their products, as well as the costs and benefits of each approach. By making these distinctions clear, a product manufacturer will be able to optimize the process of product approval and significantly reduce the amount of time and money spent. Read more...