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U.S. Department of State

Daily Press Briefing




QUESTION: Pinochet?

MR. RUBIN: Pinochet. Fire away with Pinochet.

QUESTION: Do you have anything to say about the ruling today?

MR. RUBIN: Yes, I can. We heard the summary of the decision read today in the House of Lords, but we have not yet had a chance to study it in detail. As a matter of policy and as we have explained many times, the United States is committed to principles of accountability and justice, as shown by our strong support for the International Criminal Tribunal.

The US Government strongly condemned the abuses of the Pinochet regime when it was in power. The United States also believes it is important, consistent with the principle of accountability, to support countries like Chile that over a sustained period of time have made significant efforts to strengthen democracy and to promote reconciliation in the rule of law.

We're not prepared to comment further on the Pinochet case at this time, except to note the careful process the British courts have undertaken in this case. We understand that the question of whether the UK courts have authority to proceed with the extradition is now back with Home Secretary Jack Straw. There may well be further court proceedings in this case.

QUESTION: So your guidance is basically word for word what it was a couple of months ago?

MR. RUBIN: Looks pretty similar to me, yes.

QUESTION: Do you have a date when the United States is going to release a new set of documents on Pinochet?

MR. RUBIN: With respect to the Pinochet documents, the process is underway and we will proceed as expeditiously as possible. We hope to begin releasing documents by mid year.


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