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Within budgetary departures universe established within classifier exist other, to part of the mentioned ut supra, that are separated of the general characteristics so much of the classifier as of the general surrender systems of expenses.

The classifier at departure level subparcial, such which authorizes them the distributive decree specifies clearly in what should be used the resources. For example within clause 2 - Goods exists the departure subparcial 211 - Foods for persons and 212 - Foods for animal, the authorized expense there, cousin facie, it must be accomplished in those goods and not in other. However, at the end of each set of departures exists a with numbering 9 (p.e. 219 - unspecified Others precedentemente). The expenses enable in this last line even though they should be yielded normally with some invoice or other material information support can be used in any line within the same departure; in the used example would serve so much to buy sausages as oats.

Other anomalous characteristics situation more criticables than the previous is a departure created by the Decree 838/94 for the designated National executive branch 3.9.4 - protocolar Expenses. 13 Said expenses are assigned to the officials and the same only they should yield them through receipt being able to have the figure delivered with freedom. The decree separates these expenses of the accounting procedures generally accepted establishing that the same is - " will liquidate without the requirement of the accounts surrender " -, with something which can be bought from naphtha until contracting a mariachis band. These expenses add in the distributive decrees for 1995 $7.865.500 being the stars the Economy Ministry with $3.000.000 and the General Secretariat of the Presidency with $1.000.000.

Even though these expenses do not have the characteristics of the reserved y/o secret is necessary to normalize them or to contain them within the general surrender rules.

Surprisingly the executive branch through a secret decree has authorized a new system of viáticos of the public officials, the impossibility of acceding to the norm prevents to know if in this case also it has been stipulated some excepcionalidad misses to this type of expenditures, beyond than those which their/its own characteristic advise.


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