
12 May 2000

Press Release



The 2000 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non- Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) this afternoon received the results of the work of its three Main Committees and took note of the related reports

Main Committee I addresses the implementation of the provisions of the Treaty relating to non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, disarmament and international peace and security, including security assurances. Main Committee II addresses the implementation of the NPT relating to non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, safeguards and nuclear-weapon-free zones. Main Committee III addresses the implementation and provisions of the Treaty relating to the inalienable rights of all States parties to develop, research, produce and use nuclear energy for peaceful purposes without discrimination.

Camilo Reyes (Colombia), Chairman of Main Committee I, said his Committee’s report had been approved yesterday in order for it to be submitted to the Conference. The Committee had also received the report of its subsidiary organ, which was now the basis for the future work of the Conference.

Adam Kobieracki (Poland), Chairman of Main Committee II, said all the items on his Committee’s agenda had been discussed and the results reflected in the report. An advance copy of that report had been distributed to all delegations. Copies in all the six official languages would be distributed on Monday. Despite huge efforts, the report contained language that was both contested and uncontested. Also, the report of the subsidiary body of the Committee contained some elements that did not enjoy consensus.

Markku Reima (Finland), Chairman of Main Committee III, said his Committee had met and worked intensively and constructively in order to arrive at formulations for the final declaration. A number of working papers had been submitted and had been used as a basis for the report now before the Conference. The issues that had been addressed constructively were the peaceful use of nuclear energy, safe transport of radioactive materials, technical cooperation and the conversion of nuclear materials for peaceful uses.

He said while there was much agreement in the substantive report, eight paragraphs were still unfortunately contested. Those problems, he continued, arose with such issues as the role of nuclear energy for sustainable development, maritime transport, the viability of funding of the International

Conference of Parties to NPT - 2 - Press Release DC/2708 15th Meeting (PM) 12 May 2000

Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) Technical Cooperation Programme, and the conversion of nuclear energy for peaceful uses.

Having taken note of the agreement in Main Committee I that the working paper of subsidiary body I provided a framework for the further work of the Conference, the Conference entrusted the Chairman of that body, Clive Pearson (New Zealand), with the task of continuing consultations aimed at developing a consensus in the area that fell within the subsidiary’s mandate.

Also, this afternoon, taking into account the agreement reached in Main Committee II that the working paper by subsidiary body II provided a good basis for further consultations, the Conference further decided to entrust Chris Westdal (Canada) with the task of continuing his consultations aimed at developing a consensus on the areas that he identified as requiring further efforts.

The President of the Conference, Abdallah Baali (Algeria), said the Review was now entering its final week and had reached a stage where efforts needed to be intensified to bring the Conference to a successful conclusion. He strongly urged delegations to move away from discussions of well-known positions and to develop a convergence of views on the outstanding issues.

He intended to convene a small but representative informal consultation group to concentrate efforts on further narrowing the differences and developing a consensus on the outstanding issues, in the hope that it would facilitate a positive result for the Conference. He would also continue his consultations on the strengthening of the review process of the Treaty, so as to finalize the paper on that issue soon and present it to the plenary at an appropriate moment for consideration and, he hoped, approval.

The Conference was informed that the next plenary meeting, which was scheduled to take place at 3 p.m. Tuesday, 16 May, had been cancelled, to allow the Drafting Committee to make full use of the time available to it.

The Conference will meet again at a place and time to be announced.

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