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Vertical Gun for Advanced Ships (VGAS)

The Navy plans to address its surface fire support capability deficiencies in two phases, near- (scheduled completion by fiscal year 2001) and long-term (time frame still being defined). In the long-term phase, the Navy plans to develop a 155-millimeter vertical gun for advanced ships (VGAS) with an extended range guided munition. The Navy plans to equip the class of surface combatants, the DD-21 class, with the vertical guns beginning about the year 2008. The extended range guided munition technologies being developed within the near-term phase, along with the technologies being examined by several separately funded Advanced technology demonstration projects, are expected to be applicable in the long-term phase to develop other guided projectiles, including 155-millimeter and larger versions. The 155-mm gun will provide coverage up to 100 nm miles inland at the rate of 10-15 rounds per minute.

The development of the conceptual 155 millimeter gun may result in either a pointing gun or a fixed, vertical gun [VGAS]. The heart this gun will be an automated, ammunition magazine to reduce manning and increase the magazine capacity for rounds. With two VGAS guns on DD-21 it would be possible to carry as many as 1400-1500 rounds in a CESB module no bigger than our current VLS launcher.

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Maintained by Robert Sherman
Originally created by John Pike
Updated Saturday, December 12, 1998 7:17:49 AM