Figure I-30

TSC Comm Maintenance Technician Course

CIN: J-101-0817
Attendees: E4-E7 ET personnel en route to TSCOMM
Course Location: FCTCLANT Dam Neck, VA
Course Length: 12 weeks
Class Size: 5
Prerequisite Training: ET "A" Fundamentals, A-100-0084; ET "Advanced, A-101-0062; COMSEC Maintenance Technician, A-106-0116; and KG-40A Limited Maintenance, A-160-0123
NEC Awarded: ET-1493
Course Description: To train personnel to operate and maintain the TSCOMM system in the TSC
Convening Frequency: 4 times per year
Security Clearance: Secret
RFT Date: Ongoing

TSC COMM Maintenance Technician Pipeline

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