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To date, there is no community accepted taxonomy of warfighter information, i. e. that informa-tion required by the warfighter to accomplish his missions. The following is presented as a strawman and a potential starting point for developing such a list. Figure D- 1 graphically de-picts four categories of warfighter information that form the highest level categorization in the taxonomy. Table D- 1 extends the concept represented in Figure D- 1 and provides an initial list of standardized categories of warfighter information under which most elements of warfighter information can logically be placed. As stated above, this list is presented as a strawman and as a potential starting point for developing a Universal List of Warfighter Information, analogous to the Universal Joint Task List, that all unified commands, Services, and DoD agencies can use to describe the information categories and elements that are the subject of C4ISR information exchanges.


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