Corps Overview

SLIDE 1 (Title)

I. Introduction.

1. Tie-in: This class is intended as an overview of a Corps organization, structure, responsibilities and command post functions. You will use this information during the remainder of IBOS PEs, the AXE and in your future as MI officers.

2. Objective Statement: Identify a Corps force structure, the responsibilities of the corps and command post functions.

3. Safety Statement: The risk assessment code for this lesson is low IV.

SLIDE 2 (Purpose)

4. Purpose: To provide the MIOAC officer with an understanding of the corps organization, unit characteristics, the function of the corps in Army operations, unique assets, the corps battlefield framework and an overview of the three command posts.

5. Procedure: During this class I will review the structure of the corps and its unique assets and responsibilities.

II. Development.

SLIDE 3 (Corps are the...)

1. Corps are the largest tactical units in the US Army. Corps are also the instruments by which higher echelons of command conduct operations at the operation level.

Corps are tailored for the theater and the mission for which they are deployed. They contain the organic combat, CS and CSS capabilities required to sustain operations for a considerable period of time.

Future, corps operations are highlighted by several key characteristics. First, operations will be joint and often, combined in nature. Second, they will reflect a need for tailored forces employed in force projection operations, likely in response to short notice crises. Finally, they will be conducted across the full range of military operations form war to operations other than war (OOTW). The organization of the corps has evolved to reflect these characteristics.

Today's corps will most likely find itself conducting force projection operations as part of a tailored joint force. When the nature of the mission calls for a preponderance of land power, the corps may be assigned duties as a JTF headquarters.

SLIDE 4 (Corps mission is to...)

2. Corps are the link between the operational and tactical levels of war. As such, corps will have the key role of translating the broad strategic and operational objectives of higher echelons into the specific and detailed tactics to achieve those objectives.

They plan and conduct major operations and battles. They synchronize tactical operations including maneuver, fires of organic artillery, naval fires, supporting tactical air, and actions of their combat support and CSS units, bringing together the effects of these separate activities throughout the depth of the battlefield.

SLIDE 5 (Corps critical roles are...)

The critical roles of the corps include:

-planning and conducting operations in consonance with other elements of the joint force to achieve campaign objectives. This could be 3-5 maneuver divisions.

-integrating available Air Force, Navy, and Marine combat, CS, and CSS along with inter agency support into land operations. This includes joint efforts in intelligence, target acquisition, target attack, electronic warfare, SEAD, and CSS.

-Collecting intelligence, anticipating enemy activities and intentions, and future planning to 72 hours.

-Planning and conducting simultaneous operations in depth.

-Nominating targets for nonstrategic nuclear weapon's employment in support of campaign and tactical objectives.

-Planning and conducting effective deception operations in
consonance with the higher echelon's deception plan.

SLIDE 6 (Personal Staff)

3. The corps consists of a Hqs which plans, directs, controls, and coordinates the corps operations; and a mix of combat, CS and CSS units which are employed by the corps to accomplish its missions.

The corps HQs consists of:
-Corps Cdr
-Corps staff

The CDR interprets and translates his superior CDRs' intents into his own intent and concept of operation. He derives the corps' mission, provides planning guidance to the staff, sets its objectives, states his intent, determines the concept of operation assigns missions to subordinate units, designates the main effort and task organizes the corps for combat.

The CDRs staff consists of the coordinating (G) staff and special staffs, under the control of the chief of staff, and the personal staff which reports directly to the corps CDR.

Liaison elements include:
-Subordinate units
-US Air Force
-US Marine Corps
-US Navy
-Special operations forces -EAC
-Allied or coalition forces -Host nation
-Governmental agencies
-Nongovernmental agencies

SLIDE 7 (Corps Organization)

There is no standard organization for the Corps. This slide depicts a typical corps. Most corps will have a similar structure, although the specific number, size, and types of units will vary.

Each corps will have 2-5 divisions. Divisions are the basic units of maneuver at the tactical level and perform major tactical operations for the corps. Types of divisions include: light infantry, armored, mechanized, infantry, airborne, and air assault.

Except for their size, separate armored, infantry, light infantry, and mechanized infantry brigades have essentially the same characteristics as the above mentioned divisions.

Other units of the corps include:

-ACR, which performs reconnaissance, security, and economy of force operations.

-Aviation brigade provides the corps with a highly flexible maneuver force capable of performing a variety of combat, CS, CSS missions across the entire range of military operations. This brigade consists of an attack regiment (3 x AH-64 Bn's), an aviation group (Asslt Bn, Cmd Ava Bn, CS Ava Bn, medium helo Bn, light helo Bn), and the air traffic services battalion.

-Corps Artillery contains all of the FA cannon, guided missile, and multiple rocket Bn's not organic to maneuver units. This organization is used to add depth to the battle, to support rear operation's and to influence the battle at critical times.

-Engineer brigade controls engineer units of the corps which are not organic to maneuver units. The brigade provides mobility, countermobility, and survivability, topographic engineering, and general engineering support to the corps and augments the divisions. The brigade may contain combat engineer battalions, separate engineer companies, assault float bridge, topographic, and tactical bridge companies.

-ADA brigade contains weapons systems designed to counter air threats from low (FAAD) to high (HIMAD) altitudes. Subordinate battalions employ a combination of missile systems supported by IFF capability. HAWK and Patriot are normally kept in GS of the corps.

-Signal brigade installs, operates and maintains voice and data communications within and between the corps command and control facilities, as well as an extensive area network that connects all elements of the corps.

-Chemical brigade commands, controls, and coordinates the CS operations of attached chemical units. The brigade provides smoke generator' NBC reconnaissance, and NBC decontamination support in the corps area.

-MI brigade contains operations, tactical exploitation, aerial exploitation battalions and a brigade HQs. this unit conducts IEW functions in GS of the corps and augments the IEW and CI capabilities of the Corps' subordinate units.

-Psychological operations (PSYOP) support normally consists of a battalion with a HHC, an operational support company, and from 3-5 tactical PSYOP companies. The operational support company conducts tactical PSYOP and counter propaganda operations in GS of the corps.

-Civil affairs brigade normally consists of a brigade HHC, and from 3-5 civil affairs battalions. Under the staff supervision of the corps G5, the brigade analyzes the corps mission for CA requirements, prepares the CA annex to plans and orders and establishes with joint services and other civil affairs organizations.

-MP brigade usually has 3 to 6 MP battalions and provides battlefield circulation control, area security, enemy prisoner of war and civilian internee operations, and law-and-order support to the corps. It conducts reconnaissance and surveillance to ensure security of main supply routes, and area reconnaissance of other key areas in the corps rear. This brigade normally provides the level II response to counter threats which exceed base and base cluster defense capabilities and can assist tactical combat forces in level III responses.

-Finance group commands, controls, and coordinates the finance operations of all finance battalions in the corps. It provides administrative and logistical support to assigned finance battalions.

-Personnel group sustains corps and EAC personnel readiness and exercises command and control over assigned personnel units. This group manages critical personnel systems and synchronizes the corps personnel network through the operations of the corps Personnel Management Center formed from the AG and personnel operations.

-COSCOM (corps support command) is the principal logistic organization in the corps. It provides supply, field services, transportation, maintenance, and combat health support to the divisions and nondivisional units.

SLIDE 7 (Corps Unique Assets)

To recap the immense capabilities of the corps let us review the unique assets or those not found at the division.


-Medium Lift Helicopters of the Aviation Brigade

-Corps artillery has ATACMS and 8" in the reserve component.

-MI Bde is equipped with fixed-wing collection platforms and is the first echelon to have ELINT collection capability.

-Engineer Bde has assault bridge, heavy bridge and other special units.

-CA/PSYOP support from RC or Fort Bragg units.

-ADA Bde has Patriot and Hawk (RC).

-Signal Bde provides fixed communications centers and long-haul capabilities.

SLIDE 8 (Corps Battlefield Framework)

A battlefield framework helps commanders visualize how they will employ their forces. It helps relate friendly forces to one another and to the enemy in terms of time, space, resources, and purpose.

This framework can be contiguous or noncontiguous. Shown here is a contiguous battlefield. At the tactical level of war our battlefield framework consists of four interrelated concepts: area of operations, battlespace, area of interest, and organizing the battlefield for operations in depth.

Three closely related sets of activities characterize operations within a area of operations--deep, close, and rear. The corps executes attacks at depth, organizing forces to attack simultaneously throughout the breadth and width of the AO.

Corps deep operations are those activities which are directed against enemy
forces and functions not currently engaged in the close battle.

Corps close operations include the battles and engagements of its major maneuver and fire support units, together with the CS and CSS activities presently supporting them. The corps close operations usually include the deep, close, and rear operations of its committed division, separate maneuver brigades, or cavalry regiments.

Corps rear operations are those activities in the rear area which are conducted to assure the corps' freedom of maneuver and continuity of operations, including sustainment and command and control.

SLIDE 10 (Corps Command Posts)

The corps must synchronize deep, close, and rear operations in consonance with the corps commander's concept and intent. In order to do this the corps
uses three distinctly different command posts. These command posts are the:
Tactical (TAC); Main; and Rear CPs.
SLIDE 11 (TAC Command Post Responsibilities)

The TAC CP has several main functions. They are:

-To control corps close operations.

-to monitor the execution of corps plans.

-To synchronize combat, CS, and CSS in support of close operations.

-To issue warning orders and fragmentary orders in support of the close

-To maintain current close operations situation information and provide this information to the Main CP.

-To assess the current tactical situation.

-To assess the status and capabilities of friendly forces.

-To monitor and update the status of CS and CSS to close operations.

-To monitor deep and rear operations for effects on close operations.

-To plan for local security of the TAC CP.

SLIDE 12 (G2 TAC Responsibilities)

The G2 TAC has very significant responsibilities. The G2 will locate himself at the TAC if the Corps Commander is there. The TAC will be able to provide current intelligence and battlefield information to the Commander. The TAC will most likely have connectivity to the ACE via the RWS. Additionally, IMINT and other TENCAP downlinks may be placed in the TAC for added communications links.

The TAC may have only 4 or 6 Intelligence personnel. They are not able to perform extensive Intelligence processing and must rely on the ACE for the majority of their information.

SLIDE 13 (Main Command Post Responsibilities)

The major functions of the Main CP are divided within the six major cells. The cells are:

-Headquarters cell.

-Plans cell.

-Intelligence cell.

-CSS cell.

-Current Operations Cell or Command and Control Warfare (C2W) cell.

-Fire Support cell.

The major function of all of these cells is to:

-Plan future operation out to 72 hours.

-To synchronize current close, deep, and rear operations of the corps.

-To issue warning orders and OPORDs.

-To modify OPORD/OPLANs.

-To control tactical movements.

-To control deep maneuver operations.

-To maintain current close, deep, and rear operations situation information on both the friendly and enemy forces. It provides this information to all subordinate, higher, and adjacent units.

-To use IPB and to develop COAs for future operations.

-To plan tactical movements.

-To be the alternate for the TAC CP.

SLIDE 14 (G2 Main Responsibilities)

The G2 organization at the Main is composed of the following:

-G2 Plans

-G2 Operations

-Staff Weather Officer (SWO)

-Terrain Team


The G2 Main is responsible for the fusion of all intelligence products into the overall allsource database and common understanding of the battlefield. The ACE will be discussed in further detail later in IBOS. The G2 Operations officer is normally the most experienced LTC on the G2 staff. This officer will brief the CG and his staff as required. They are responsible for providing all current intelligence briefs, ensuring the CM keeps assets synchronized with the flow of the battle and keeping the G2 TAC and Rear informed.

The G2 Plans officer works directly with all the other Plans officers. The SWO, Terrain Team and ACE will provide the majority of the intelligence products needed by this officer. The Plans officer must be extremely well versed in all communications architecture; sensor capabilities and limitations; and all adjacent and higher intelligence capable of being brought to bear for the Corps.

SLIDE 15 (Rear Command Post)

The rear CP controls all aspects of the BOSs effects on the close, deep, and rear battle.

The Rear CPs major functions include:

-Conducting rear operations.

-Perform terrain management.

-Is controlled by the DCG or COSCOM Cdr.

-Executes rear operations through the subordinate RAOC.

-It is not 100% mobile and is dependent upon other units for movement.

-Is divided into two cells, operations and CSS.

-Has the responsibility for sustaining the battlefield framework.

-Is the alternate for the Main CP.

SLIDE 16 (G2 Rear Responsibilities)

The G2 Rear has the same responsibilities as the Main and TAC G2 elements. However, this cell is normally very small, 4-6 personnel. They are not adequately equipped with robust and ensured communications and Intelligence downlinks. The Intelligence products prepared by this cell will be focused on the security of the Rear Area. The G2 Rear will coordinate with the SPO G2 for additionally information and exchange of intelligence products.

SLIDE 17 (Conclusion)

III. Conclusion. This class is not intended to make you an expert on the Corps organization or functions but to only give you a brief overview. You should remember the following things about the corps:

-It is the largest tactical unit in the US Army.

-If deployed as part of a JTF the Corps Commander will most likely be the JTF Land Component Commander.

-The Corps is responsible for translating strategic objectives into tactical orders.

-The Corps is the first echelon which fully integrates Joint assets in support of land warfare.

This concludes your block of instruction on the corps organization and functions. What are your questions?