How to Obtain Publications and Maps Available to the Public, header

To obtain the CIA World Factbook and other publications, contact:

    Superintendent of Documents
    PO Box 371954
    Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954

    Telephone: (202) 512-1800
    Fax (Credit Card Orders Only): (202) 512-2250

  • Mastercard, Visa, Discover, check, or money order accepted
  • Use GPO stock number when ordering

  • Rush handling available

To subscribe to CIA reference materials and obtain individual documents
available since 1990, contact:

    Document Expediting Project (DOCEX)
    Anglo-American Acquisitions Division
    Library of Congress
    101 Independence Avenue, SE
    Washington, DC 20540

    Telephone: (202) 707-9527

  • Annual subscription fees:

    $375.00, domestic mail
    $425.00, foreign surface mail
    $475.00, foreign air mail

To obtain CIA documents published before 1980, contact:

  • Xeroxed copies, microfiche, or microfilm service
  • Use title of document when ordering

  • Check, money order, Visa, Mastercard accepted
  • $10 minimum

To obtain publications and selected maps, full or tailored subscriptions
(for documents published after February 1979), contact:

    National Technical Information Service (NTIS)
    US Department of Commerce
    5285 Port Royal Road
    Springfield, VA 22161

    Telephone: NTIS Order Desk
    (800) 553-6847
    (703) 605-6000

  • Hardcopy, microfiche, or microfilm service
  • Use NTIS document number when ordering

  • Subscription and deposit account service offered
  • American Express, VISA, MasterCard, check, or money order accepted
  • Rush handling available

To obtain selected declassified OSS and CIA documents, (including
Studies in Intelligence, National Intelligence Estimates, and information
on the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Bay of Pigs) contact:

    The National Archives and Records Administration
    Modern Military Records
    8601 Adelphi Road
    College Park, MD 20740-6001

    Telephone: (301) 713-7250
    Fax: (301) 713-7482
    Website: (lists more specific information on the collection)

  • Reproduction charges: $10.00 for first 20 pages; $5.00 for each additional 20 pages
  • Checks and major credit cards accepted