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Rec # Recommendation Implementation / Status
JSC_024B Develop a standardized prescreening form. The Personnel Security Committee has made recommendations regarding

prescreening but has been unsuccessful with its development. The SF-86 form,

appears to be the most complete form available, yet provides no useful

information to the applicant regarding their chances for successfully completing

security screening process.
JSC_025 DoD and DCI increase investment in Effective Feb 1999, the DCII and SII computer databases link DoD and OPM

automation to improve efficiency systems. Currently, the SAPSSWG is exploring possible data base solutions,

to include the DCII, SII, DoD's Joint Clearance and Access Verification System

(JCAVS) and a SAP/SCI data base network.
JSC_026A Investigative standards for TS The President approved "Investigative Standards" on 25 March 1997 in

clearance/SAP access be an SSBI with a accordance with E.O. 12968. Although the standards have been adopted by all

scope of 7 years. government agencies, do to financial constraints some agencies are not meeting

the standards.
JSC_026B Investigative standards for Secret clearance The President approved "Investigative Standards" on 25 March 1997 in

be NACI and credit check. accordance with E.O 12968. DOD implemented 1 January 1999.
JSC_027A Reinvestigation for SCA be a SSBI The President approved "Investigative Standards" on 25 March 1997 in

occurring aperiodicaly not less than every accordance with E.O. 12968. There is a backlog due to financial constraints at a

7 years. number of government agencies for reinvestigations at both the Secret and Top

Secret levels.
JSC_027B Reinvestigation for Secret be a NAC, The President approved "Investigative Standards" on 25 March 1997 in

local agency and credit check conducted accordance with E.O. 12968. DoD implemented the Secret standards in January

on an aperiodic basis not less than once 1999 but has a significant backlog in Secret reinvestigation.

every 10 years.
JSC_028 All agencies should have Employee Approved by the U.S. Security Policy Board on 24 April 1995. EO 12968

Assistance Programs available. issued 7 Aug 1995 directs that Employee Assistance Programs be established.
JSC_029A All investigative and adjudicative The TPDC has completed Investigative Training Standards which are under

organizations begin an orchestrated review by the PSC. Course development should be completed in 1999. The

process improvement program. TPDC is developing both a community basic adjudicator course and a Senior

Adjudicator Seminar. The seminar is scheduled to run four times annually,

beginning in 1999. Core training curriculum is scheduled for completion in

August 1999.
JSC_029B Develop standard measurable objectives The U.S. Security Policy Board developed common adjudicative guidelines and

for adjudications, investigations, and investigative standards to satisfy these requirements and are currently developing

appeals. training courses to conform to them.
JSC_029C Interim clearances be granted based on Sec 3.3(c) of EO 12968 issued 7 Aug 1995 implements this recommendation,

favorable review. but the investigation must be no more than five years old.
JSC_029D Standard interim access process. The President approved "Investigative Standards" on 25 March 1997 in

accordance with E.O. 12968. Access will be granted pending a favorable review

of the SF-86.
JSC_030 Adopt common adjudicative criteria. The President approved "Adjudicative Standards" on 25 March 1997.
JSC_031 All DoD adjudicative entities (except Currently under review by DoD IG and ASD/C3I.

NSA) be merged.
JSC_032A Any individual who as an existing Approved by the U.S. Security Policy Board 24 April 1995. EO 12968 issued

clearance cannot be re-adjudicated. 7 Aug 1995 adopted this recommendation.
JSC_032B The authorities of program managers to Approved by the U.S. Security Policy Board 24 April 1995. EO 12968 issued

limit access determinations should be 7 Aug 1995 adopted this recommendation.

limited to does the person have the proper

clearance and need-to-know.

23 Aug 1999

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