Index DOD Doctrine

SORT: 2060.2

DOCI: DODD 2060.2

DATE: 19960709

TITL: DODD 2060.2  Department of Defense Counterproliferation (CP)
Implementation, July 9 1996, ASD(ISP)


(a)  Title 10, United States Code

(b)  Presidential Decision Directive/National Security Council - 13,
"Nonproliferation and Export Controls," September 30, 1993

(c)  Presidential Decision Directive/National Security Council - 39,
"U.S. Policy on Counterterrorism," June 26, 1995

(d)  Deputy Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "DoD Role in
Counterproliferation," December 23, 1993

(e)  Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "CJCS Counterproliferation Missions
and Functions Study," May 5, 1995

(f)  Secretary of Defense Memorandum, "Department of Defense
Counterproliferation Policy," June 1, 1994


This Directive:

1.  Establishes policy, assigns responsibilities, and formalizes
relationships among DoD organizations under references (a) through (e)
and, consistent with reference (f), for the implementation of DoD CP
activities and programs.

2.  Establishes DoD CP terms of reference to ensure uniform application of
this Directive among the DoD Components.

3.  Establishes a CP Council to ensure that the Department of Defense's
implementation of CP efforts is, in fact, integrated and focused.  The
Council shall monitor departmental progress on developing the strategy,
doctrine, and force planning necessary to execute effectively the CP
objectives, as well as DoD-wide efforts at training, exercising, and
equipping U.S. forces for this task.  The Council shall also oversee DoD
CP activities in interagency and international fora.

a.  The CP Council shall be composed of the Deputy Secretary of Defense as
Chair, the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology, the
Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (USD(P)), the Vice Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Under Secretaries of the Military Departments,
the Vice Chiefs of the Military Services, the Assistant Secretary of
Defense for International Security Policy (ASD(ISP)), the Assistant to the
Secretary of Defense for Nuclear and Chemical and Biological Defense
Programs (ATSD(NCB)), the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command,
Control, Communications, and Intelligence (ASD(C3I)), and the Director for
Strategic Plans and Policy of the Joint Staff.  Other officials of the
Department of Defense and other Departments and Agencies of the Executive
Branch, as may be designated by the Deputy Secretary of Defense, shall be
invited to attend appropriate meetings of the CP Council.  The CP Council
shall meet upon call of the Deputy Secretary of Defense or designee.

b.  The CP Council's tenure shall continue until the end of fiscal year
2001 -- by which time CP should be established as a mainstream DoD mission
area -- but may be extended by the Deputy Secretary of Defense.

c.  In executing its function, the CP Council shall:

(1)  Advise the Secretary of Defense on CP matters;

(2)  Make recommendations about policy for the implementation of DoD CP
activities and programs;

(3)  Oversee implementation of DoD CP activities and programs and review
and make recommendations on those elements of defense policy that deal
with CP issues;

d.  The ASD(ISP) shall serve as Executive Secretary of the CP Council.
The ASD(ISP) shall retain a copy of all agreements made between the DoD
Components and other Government Agencies and interagency understandings
for Council review.


This Directive applies to the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the
Military Departments (including the Coast Guard when it is operating as a
Military Service in the Navy), the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff,
the Unified Combatant Commands, the Defense Agencies, and the DoD Field
Activities (hereafter referred to collectively as "the DoD Components").
The term "Military Services," as used herein, refers to the Army, the
Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps.


1.  Counterproliferation (CP).  The activities of the Department of
Defense across the full range of U.S. Government efforts to COMBAT
proliferation, including the application of military power to protect U.S.
forces and interests; intelligence collection and analysis; and support to
diplomacy, arms control, and export controls.  Accomplishment of these
activities may require coordination with other U.S. Government Agencies.

2.  Nonproliferation.  The use of the full range of political, economic,
informational, and military tools to PREVENT proliferation, reverse it
diplomatically, or protect U.S. interests against an opponent armed with
nuclear, biological or chemical (NBC) weapons and the means to deliver
them, should that prove necessary.  Nonproliferation tools include:
intelligence, global nonproliferation norms and agreements, diplomacy,
export controls, security assurances, security assistance, defenses and
the application of military force.

3.  Nuclear Biological or Chemical (NBC) Weapons.  Weapons that are
characterized by their capability to produce mass casualties using NBC
means and whose threat or use introduces individually diverse and distinct
challenges to the planning and conduct of military operations.

4.  Proliferation.  The spread of NBC capabilities and the means to
deliver them.


It is DoD policy that:

1.  Departmental CP efforts be integrated and focused to:

a.  Prevent the proliferation of NBC weapons and their means of delivery;

b.  Roll back proliferation where it has occurred;

c.  Deter and prevent the use of NBC weapons against the United States,
its allies, and United States and allied forces; and,

d.  Adapt U.S. military forces, planning, doctrine and training to operate
effectively against the threats posed by NBC weapons and their means of

e.  Detect, prevent, defeat, and manage the consequences of NBC materials
or weapons use by terrorists.

2.  The Department of Defense shall contribute to the national
nonproliferation effort by applying technical, military, and intelligence
expertise to arms control, export controls, inspection, monitoring,
interdiction, and related activities.

3.  The Department of Defense shall formulate a strategy for deterrence
and defense, develop the supporting military force planning and doctrine
to train, exercise and equip U.S. forces, and prepare appropriate
contingency plans to address effectively the defense related aspects of
the proliferation problem.  Integral to the overall DoD effort is
supporting and accomplishing the following CP tasks consistent with the
national security strategy and CP policy:

a.  Support U.S. Government nonproliferation efforts;

b.  Detect and monitor efforts to proliferate NBC weapons and their means
of delivery;

c.  Deter and prevent the proliferation and use of NBC weapons and their
means of delivery;

d.  Interdict efforts to proliferate or use NBC weapons and their means of

e.  Defend the United States, its interests, forces, allies and friends
from the use and effects of NBC weapons and their means of delivery; and,

f.  Conduct all necessary military actions to respond against the use of
NBC weapons.

4.  All DoD CP activities, programs, and policies shall be coordinated
fully within and among the DoD Components to ensure maximum contribution
to overall U.S. military capabilities.


1.  The Under Secretary of Defense for Policy shall:

a.  Develop, coordinate, and oversee the implementation of CP policy
throughout the Department of Defense,

b.  In coordination with the DoD Components, work with other Federal
Departments and Agencies, allies, and regional partners to reinforce or
complement efforts intended to stem proliferation of NBC weapons and their
means of delivery to include the use of security assistance programs and
information programs to address military imbalances and instability.

c.  Direct the Director, Defense Technology Security Administration,
through ASD(ISP), to provide technical expertise and analysis in support
of the Department's efforts to prevent proliferation of NBC weapons and
their means of delivery and to roll back proliferation where it has

2.  The Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Technology shall:

a.  Coordinate DoD research, development, and acquisition programs to
ensure that they adequately support CP efforts and the ability of U.S.
forces to conduct operations successfully in an NBC threat environment.

b.  Provide management oversight for advanced concept technology
demonstrations for countering the proliferation of NBC weapons and their
means of employment.

c.  Ensure that ATSD(NCB) provides oversight of the DoD chemical and
biological defense program.

d.  Ensure that the Director, Defense Special Weapons Agency, focuses on
the integration of, and assists in the development of, advanced
conventional weapons, munitions, sensors and planning tools to support DoD
CP endeavors.

e.  Ensure that the Director, Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency,
supports basic and applied research and development efforts for innovative
application of technology to counter NBC weapons and their means of

f.  Ensure that the Director, Ballistic Missile Defense Organization,
includes CP as an integral element within the developmental framework for
defense against ballistic missiles.

g.  Ensure that the Director, On-Site Inspection Agency, conducts CP
activities associated with inspection provisions and monitoring
requirements of arms control agreements.

3.  The Secretaries of the Military Departments shall develop doctrine,
and organize, train, equip and otherwise prepare their respective forces
to address threats involving NBC weapons and their means of delivery.
They shall also conduct basic and applied research, development, and
acquisition efforts to counter NBC weapons and their means of delivery
consistent with their individual Service roles and missions.

4.  The Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall prepare guidance for
the Commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands and Commander, U.S.
Element, North American Aerospace Defense Command, on measures to be taken
to counter proliferation within their geographic and functional areas of
responsibility, make recommendations for countering proliferation in
unassigned areas, and integrate the capabilities of the functional
Commanders in Chief (CINC) in the overall effort.  Additionally, the
Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff shall:

a.  Prepare plans to address the proliferation threat;

b.  Review CINC plans developed to address the proliferation threat;

c.  Make recommendations to the National Command Authorities for the
operational employment of U.S. forces in CP operations; and,

d.  Develop joint CP doctrine.

5.  The Commanders of the Unified Combatant Commands shall, in accordance
with guidance provided by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
with the support of other DoD Components, plan for and conduct CP
operations throughout the entire spectrum of conflict, from peace to

6.  The U.S. Commander in Chief Special Operations, shall organize, train,
equip, and otherwise prepare U.S. special operations forces to conduct
operations in support of U.S. Government CP objectives.

7.  The General Counsel of the Department of Defense shall provide advice
and assistance on all legal issues arising from the formulation and
implementation of CP policies and strategies, including interpretation of
international agreements and arrangements.

8.  The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs shall work with
USD(P) to communicate the Department's goals, policies and initiatives
concerning CP to the public, and develop public affairs guidance in
support of military counterproliferation operations.

9.  The Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control,
Communications, and Intelligence shall ensure that the Director, Defense
Intelligence Agency, serves as the focal point for timely and accurate
intelligence support to all DoD Components engaged in CP efforts.


This Directive is effective immediately.

Deputy Secretary of Defense
