Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli, Mumbai (Bombay) 400 079, India Phone : 91-22-596 1700/ 1800/ 5656/ 5959 Fax : 91-22-5961518 Precision Equipment Division (PED) Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli, Mumbai - 400 079, INDIA Tel: 91-22-5961700/1800/5656/5959 Fax: 91-22-5961512/13 Godrej Tool Room Division Plant No. 7, Pirojshanagar, Vikhroli, Mumbai - 400 079. INDIA Tel : 91-22- 5961700/1800/5656/5959 Fax : 91-22-5961523
Three private companies make liquid engines for India's space launch vehicles: Godrej, Keltech and MTAR. Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. is resposible for the manufacture of the Vikas engine for India's Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) space launch vehicle. Vikas burns UDMH/N2O4 propellants, which are liquid at room temperature. France and India have been cooperating in space projects since 1972, including development of the Vikas engine in the early 1980's. Godrej was included on the list of Indian entities that were subjected to US sanctions announced after the May 1998 nuclear tests.
The Company has ten major business divisions, which manufacture and/or market a wide range of consumer durables and industrial products. The Precision Equipment Division (PED) of Godrej, established in 1976, manufactures a wide range of critical equipment for chemical process. PED manufactures pressure vessels, heat exchangers, columns, reactors, trays and tower internals for varied clients, including oil and gas industry, refineries, petrochemical plants, fertiliser, pharmaceutical and other process industries. The Godrej Toolroom Division established in 1935 is one of the most sophisticated toolroom in India today. In order to meet customers' specialised and highly complex machining requirements, the Godrej Tool Room manufactures in-house, Special Purpose Machines to suit a variety of needs.
Godrej is a family business which began with Ardeshir Godrej, who in 1897 established Godrej & Boyce Mfg. Co. Ltd. to manufacture locks in a small shed at Lalbaug. He went on to make security equipment (safes) and began the manufacture of toilet soaps from vegetable oils. Ardeshir Godrej was a staunch nationalist who set out to manufacture goods whose qualities would surpass that of imported products, reflecting the nationalist idea of Swadeshi. Godrej makes just about everything -- locks, safes and other security steel equipment, toilet soaps and typewriters. Ardeshir Godrej's younger brother Pirojsha had three sons Sohrab, Burjor and Naval. Naval Godrej's untimely death in 1990 placed the responsibility of running the company on his only son, Jamshyd.