
    India & Pak call jointly for N-disarmament

    Viji Sundaram
    Palo Alto (California) 4 July

    A Joint India-Pakistan resolution calling for global nuclear disarmament was a significant outcome of a meeting of nearly 50 countries held here to find ways and means to bring more peace in the world through a multi-faith approach.

    It was the third annual United Religious Initiative Global Conference (URI) and it helped take the movement a little closer towards hammering out a global charter for world peace through religion, the organisers said.

    For the 20 Indian and Pakistani delegates, the meet provided an opportunity for an intensive discussion on the nuclear situation in their two countries and the world at large.

    Charles Gibbs, executive director of URI, called it a positive, albeit "unequivocal step." The resolution also called for a "meaningful dialogue and confidence-building measures between India and Pakistan in the area of religion and culture, and the establishment of a forum for Indo-Pakistan dialogue among religious and cultural leaders of the two countries."